Best Fidelity mutual funds of May 2024 (2024)

Fidelity offers mutual funds with low fees and boasts a long history of success.

“These features have attracted investors who are looking for affordable and accessible investment options,” says Andrew Latham, a certified financial planner and content director at financial comparison platform SuperMoney.

We included the following screens in our rankings of the best Fidelity mutual funds of 2024: passive index structure, expense ratio under 0.1%, no transaction fees or minimum investments, 10-year minimum track record and management tenure, portfolio turnover of less than 12%, $1 billion or above in total assets, and broad diversification across sectors and market caps.

Best Fidelity Mutual Funds

  • Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX).
  • Fidelity Total Market Index Fund (FSKAX).
  • Fidelity Small Cap Index Fund (FSSNX).
  • Fidelity International Index Fund (FSPSX).
  • Fidelity Emerging Markets Index Fund (FPADX).
  • Fidelity Global Ex-U.S. Index Fund (FSGGX).

Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX)

Best Fidelity mutual funds of May 2024 (1)

Expense ratio


Total assets

$512.4 billion

What you should know

Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX) ranks among one of the most popular mutual funds in Fidelity’s lineup thanks to its well-known benchmark, the S&P 500. The fund tracks a portfolio of 500 large-cap U.S. stocks selected by an S&P committee to represent the performance of the overall U.S. market.

FXAIX boasts one of the lowest expense ratios in Fidelity’s lineup at just 0.015%. This, combined with its low portfolio turnover rate of 3%, makes FXAIX a highly cost-effective core holding. FXAIX is also one of the longest-tenured mutual funds in Fidelity’s lineup, with an inception date of February 1988.

Pros and cons


  • A low expense ratio of 0.015%.
  • A long performance history since 1988.
  • Low portfolio turnover of 2%.


  • No small-cap stock exposure.
  • No international stock exposure.
  • More than 29% of the portfolio is concentrated in tech stocks.

More details

Category: U.S. large-cap blend.
10-year annualized return as of May 1: 12.95%.

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund (FSKAX)

Best Fidelity mutual funds of May 2024 (2)

Expense ratio


Total assets

$87.5 billion

What you should know

The S&P 500 index is often used as a barometer of U.S. market performance. But it does exclude some stocks that do not meet the S&P committee’s criteria. Namely, some mid-cap and many small-cap stocks are left out. To track these stocks, investors can opt for the Fidelity Total Market Index Fund (FSKAX), which tracks the Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index. Because this fund is market-cap weighted, most is still held in large-cap stocks in the S&P 500. But FSKAX ensures exposure to a greater proportion of mid- and small-cap stocks. This makes the fund more representative of the investable U.S. market than FXAIX.

Pros and cons


  • A very low expense ratio of 0.015%.
  • A long performance history since 1997.
  • Low portfolio turnover of 2%.


  • Small caps can add additional volatility.
  • Minuscule international stock exposure at less than 1%.
  • Nearly 30% of the portfolio is concentrated in technology sector stocks.

More details

Category: U.S. large-cap blend.
10-year annualized return as of May 1: 12.27%.

Fidelity Small Cap Index Fund (FSSNX)

Best Fidelity mutual funds of May 2024 (3)

Expense ratio


Total assets

$24.7 billion

What you should know

For those seeking a higher blend of risk and potential returns, Fidelity also offers many small-cap funds. Historically, smaller stocks have earned investors a “size premium,” or excess return over the market’s long-term average due to the higher risk assumed. A low-cost pick from Fidelity that offers exposure to small-cap stocks is FSSNX, which passively tracks the Russell 2000 Index. By investing in this fund, investors can increase small-cap exposure in their portfolio beyond the existing weights offered by total market funds.

Pros and cons


  • A low expense ratio of 0.025%.
  • Offers broad exposure to small-cap stocks.
  • More balanced sector weightings with less technology concentration.


  • A higher portfolio turnover rate of 9%.
  • Small-cap investing can be more volatile.
  • Has historically underperformed FXAIX over the last 10 years.

More details

Category: U.S. small-cap blend.
10-year annualized return as of May 1: 7.74%.

Fidelity International Index Fund (FSPSX)

Best Fidelity mutual funds of May 2024 (4)

Expense ratio


Total assets

$48.6 billion

What you should know

Investors seeking to diversify their equity allocation outside of the U.S. can easily access international stocks from developed markets via the Fidelity International Index Fund (FSPSX). The mutual fund tracks the Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australasia and Far East Index, which holds market-cap weighted stocks from nations like Japan, the U.K., France, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Singapore, Italy and more. For investors worried about a prolonged period of poor U.S. market returns, an international fund like FSPSX can offer a low-cost hedge.

Pros and cons


  • A low expense ratio of 0.035%.
  • Offers diversification to dozens of ex-U.S. developed markets.
  • A low portfolio turnover rate of 3%.


  • No U.S. market exposure.
  • A high financial sector weighting at nearly 19%.
  • Historically underperformed U.S.-only funds over the last decade.

More details

Category: International developed large-cap blend.
10-year annualized return as of May 1: 4.94%.

Fidelity Emerging Markets Index Fund (FPADX)

Best Fidelity mutual funds of May 2024 (5)

Expense ratio


Total assets

$7.4 billion

What you should know

When it comes to international stocks, a higher-risk, potentially higher return complement to developed markets are stocks from emerging markets. These are nations with economies undergoing rapid growth, industrialization or economic development. To gain exposure to these stocks, investors can buy the Fidelity Emerging Markets Index Fund (FPADX), which tracks the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. Some nations represented in this fund include China, Taiwan, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Mexico and Thailand.

Pros and cons


  • Provides exposure to emerging market equities.
  • A hedge against stagnating U.S. market.
  • A hedge against stagnating international developed markets.


  • A higher portfolio turnover rate of 7%.
  • A higher expense ratio of 0.075%.
  • Emerging market equities can be more volatile.

More details

Category: International emerging large-cap blend.
10-year annualized return as of May 1: 3.00%.

Fidelity Global Ex-U.S. Index Fund (FSGGX)

Best Fidelity mutual funds of May 2024 (6)

Expense ratio


Total assets

$9.9 billion

What you should know

Investors trying to create a globally diversified stock portfolio can opt for a combination of FSKAX, FSPSX and FPADX. However, this approach still requires periodic rebalancing. Investors must also be able to stick to their target asset allocation and resist the urge to tinker, chase performance by overweighting outperforming funds or panic selling underperforming ones. To simplify this task, investors can combine FSPSX and FPADX into one fund, using the Fidelity Global Ex-U.S. Index Fund (FSGGX). The fund tracks the MSCI ACWI (All Country World Index) ex-USA Index, which holds both international developed and emerging market stocks based on market-cap weight. The fund is split into 72% developed and 28% emerging markets.

Pros and cons


  • Greater simplicity compared to using two separate funds.
  • Holds both international developed and emerging market stocks.
  • Lower expense ratio of 0.055%.


  • A higher portfolio turnover rate of 8%.
  • It can be more volatile than U.S. equities.
  • Historically poor performance over the last decade compared to U.S. equities.

More details

Category: Global ex-U.S. large-cap blend.
10-year annualized return as of May 1: 4.29%.

Compare the best Fidelity mutual funds


Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX)


$512.4 billion

U.S large-cap blend

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund (FSKAX)


$87.5 billion

U.S. large-cap blend

Fidelity Small Cap Index Fund (FSSNX)


$24.7 billion

U.S. small-cap blend

Fidelity International Index Fund (FSPSX)


$48.6 billion

International developed large-cap blend

Fidelity Emerging Markets Index Fund (FPADX)


$7.4 billion

International emerging large-cap blend

Fidelity Global ex-U.S. Index Fund (FSGGX)


$9.9 billion

Global ex-U.S. large-cap blend


Our curated ranking of the top Fidelity mutual funds was created by screening a list of 330 total available funds based on the following criteria:

Management style: We only included passively managed funds that tracked an index. While some actively managed funds can outperform their benchmark index, identifying potential outperformance in advance is highly difficult. Given the poor odds of outperforming an index over long periods, we believe that most retail investors are best served by low-cost, passively managed index funds.

Fees: We excluded funds with expense ratios above 0.1% and funds with transaction fees. We also excluded some index funds with higher expense ratios and portfolio turnover ratios. All else being equal, higher fees and increased transactions within a fund tend to lower overall returns.

With no sales loads, low fees and no minimum investment requirements, it’s easier to start investing in Fidelity funds without breaking the bank.

Minimum investments: All funds on this list have no minimum required investment amounts. We also eliminated funds that posed barriers to entry for new or low-net-worth investors. These included factors like transaction fees and minimum investment requirements. We believe the best funds are accessible to all types of investors and shouldn’t impose onerous requirements to qualify for purchase.

Track record: All funds ranked have an inception date and management team tenure of more than 10 years. Funds with management tenures and operations of less than 10 years were also excluded. While some new funds may offer strong performance and interesting strategies, we believe investors are best served with tried-and-true funds that have undergone and survived many market and economic cycles.

Turnover: Each fund on this list has an annual portfolio turnover rate of less than 12%. For mutual funds, a high turnover rate can lead to increased capital gains transactions, which decreases tax efficiency.

Total assets: Each fund on this list has attracted at least $1 billion or higher in assets.

An experienced fund analyst selected the funds above, but they may not be right for your portfolio. Before purchasing any of these funds, do plenty of research to ensure they align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Why other funds didn’t make the cut

To rate the best Fidelity mutual funds, we excluded any actively managed funds that do not passively track a benchmark index. The rationale behind this decision was based on the latest SPIVA Scorecard from S&P Dow Jones Indices, which measures the performance of actively managed funds. The research found that over the last 15 years, 93.4% of all U.S. large-cap funds failed to outperform the S&P 500 index, as of Dec. 31.

Actively managed funds still have use cases for certain investors, such as hedging or providing income. For investors who have already accumulated a sizable nest egg and are more focused on capital preservation, actively managed funds might make more sense.

We also omitted funds with narrow exposure to a particular market capitalization, style or sector. For instance, a low expense ratio, low turnover index fund with a sufficiently long tenure would be excluded if it only tracked small-cap stocks, value stocks or real estate investment trusts (REITs). This ensures the list of selected funds is broadly diversified across market caps, styles and sectors.

Final verdict

Regarding the best Fidelity mutual fund, we recommend FSKAX. Investors who buy this fund gain exposure to the broad investable U.S. market, covering large-, mid- and small-cap stocks weighted by market cap across all sectors. The fund is highly diversified within U.S. geography, making it a great way to obtain the average returns of the U.S. market.

The other benefit of FSKAX is its low 0.015% expense ratio. For a $10,000 investment, this works out to around $1.50 in annual fees. This fund makes for a great core holding that can complement a global ex-U.S. stock fund like FSGGX in any proportion desired.

That being said, which Fidelity mutual fund is ultimately best depends on an investor’s circ*mstances.

“Before investing in any fund, investors should carefully review its prospectus and consider factors such as the fund’s investment strategy, fees and expenses, historical performance and risk profile,” says Sean August, CEO of The August Wealth Management Group.

Investors should also ensure these factors align with their investment goals and risk tolerance.

The best Fidelity 401(k) funds

The exact Fidelity funds available within a 401(k) can vary based on your employer and the plan it offers. Consequently, there’s no universal “best” fund applicable to everyone. The ideal selection often hinges on individual circ*mstances, including risk tolerance, investment horizon and financial objectives.

Once that’s determined, investors generally benefit from leaning toward low expense ratio, index-based funds that have a long operational history and offer broad diversification. This method ensures a well-rounded portfolio that aligns with personal goals, minimizes unnecessary costs, and drags on long-term performance.

Choosing the right Fidelity mutual fund

The first step to selecting the right Fidelity mutual fund is understanding your financial circ*mstances. This involves determining your risk tolerance, time horizon and overarching investment objectives. Each investor has varying degrees of comfort with market fluctuations, different time frames, and distinct goals they aim to achieve.

After assessing these factors holistically, you can determine your asset allocation, which divides your portfolio among major asset classes such as stocks, bonds and cash. Your portfolio’s asset allocation will determine your long-term expected returns and risks.

Once you’ve sketched out an asset allocation that aligns with your profile, delve deeper into the available Fidelity funds for each asset class.

For stock funds, review the investment strategy, the underlying index if it’s passively managed and other crucial metrics. Bond funds will require similar scrutiny, and even money market or cash-equivalent funds have nuances worth investigating.

In each case, several factors should guide your analysis. The expense ratio is pivotal, as it directly impacts your returns over time. Lower ratios are generally preferable, all else being equal.

Portfolio turnover can give insight into the fund’s trading activity; a high turnover might signal a more active management style, potentially leading to higher transaction costs.

Meanwhile, a fund’s historical volatility will shed light on its past risk profile, and its returns can hint at its past performance (though past performance is no guarantee of future results).

Lastly, consider reading the manager’s quarterly fund commentary. This offers invaluable insights into the fund’s recent performance, the strategies, and the manager’s outlook.

By considering all these elements holistically, you can make a more informed decision when selecting the right Fidelity mutual fund for your needs.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Based on 10-year annualized returns, the best-performing Fidelity mutual fund as of Dec. 31 is the Fidelity Select Semiconductor Portfolio (FSELX), which has returned 25.53%.

Investors who want to buy mutual funds on Fidelity can begin by opening an account on the company’s brokerage platform.

You can navigate to the “Accounts & Trade” tab and select “Trade.” Select “Trade Mutual Funds,” then “Buy a Mutual Fund.”

To complete a purchase, you must enter the ticker symbol corresponding to the fund you wish to buy, enter a dollar amount for the trade and place an order. To find the right mutual fund, you can use Fidelity’s mutual fund screener to sort a list of options based on various criteria and view their metrics.

First and foremost, it’s important to underscore that all investments, including mutual funds, come with inherent risks, potential volatility and the possibility of loss of principal. Unlike certain bank savings products, mutual funds do not have Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. coverage, so there’s no guarantee against losses.

That said, if you gauge safety based on historical volatility and drawdowns, the Fidelity Treasury Money Market Fund (FZFXX) stands out as one of the more conservative choices within Fidelity’s offerings.

This fund primarily invests in U.S. Treasury bills and repurchase agreements. Due to its focus on these short-term, high-quality instruments backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, it can maintain a stable net asset value per share of $1.

Defining “aggressiveness” in mutual funds can be somewhat subjective, as it can hinge on various metrics, such as the highest historical volatility or the highest historical performance.

Typically, less diversified funds or focus on specific niches, such as sector-specific funds or small-cap stocks, tend to be more aggressive. Their narrower focus can expose investors to higher risk and volatility levels than broadly diversified total stock market funds or bond funds.

For Fidelity, some of its sector-specific or niche funds, like the Fidelity Select Technology Portfolio (FSPTX), might be deemed aggressive due to its concentrated exposures. Additionally, small-cap funds like the Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund (FCPGX) can be more volatile and thus seen as aggressive.

It’s important to note that with higher potential returns comes greater risk, and past performance never indicates future results.

Best Fidelity mutual funds of May 2024 (2024)


What are the best Fidelity mutual funds for 2024? ›

The Best Fidelity Mutual Funds of June 2024
FundExpense Ratio
Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX)0.015%
Fidelity U.S. Sustainability Index Fund (FITLX)0.11%
Fidelity Mid Cap Index Fund (FSMDX)0.025%
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund (FNCMX)0.29%
3 more rows
May 3, 2024

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Best-performing U.S. equity mutual funds
TickerName5-year return (%)
GQEPXGQG Partners US Select Quality Eq Inv19.33
FGRTXFidelity Mega Cap Stock17.23
SSAQXState Street US Core Equity Fund16.89
FGLGXFidelity Series Large Cap Stock16.88
3 more rows

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8 Top-Performing Fidelity Funds for Retirement
Fidelity Fund10-Year Annualized Return
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund (FNCMX)15.4%
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund (FDSVX)15.6%
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund (FBGRX)17.1%
Fidelity Select Software and IT Services Portfolio (FSCSX)17.2%
4 more rows
May 22, 2024

Which mutual fund is best for next 5 years? ›

Here's the list of top 10 best mutual funds to invest in 2024:
  • ICICI Pru Bluechip Fund.
  • HDFC Flexi Cap Fund.
  • Nippon India Small Cap Fund.
  • HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund.
  • ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund.
  • ICICI Prudential Corporate Bond Fund.
  • ICICI Prudential Short Term Fund.
  • LIC MF Gold ETF FoF.
May 2, 2024

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5 Best Mutual Funds to Buy Now
Mutual FundAssets Under ManagementExpense Ratio
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSAX)$1.6 trillion0.04%
Fidelity 500 Index (FXAIX)$512.4 billion0.015%
Fidelity ZERO International Index (FZILX)$4 billion0%
American Funds Bond Fund of America (ABNDX)$82.6 billion0.62%
1 more row

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Top Performing Funds by Total Returns
  • 90.25% ProFunds Semiconductor UltraSector Fund SMPIX.
  • 63.17% Bitcoin Strategy ProFund BTCFX.
  • 61.05% T. Rowe Price Emerging Europe Fund TREMX.
  • 50.98% ProFunds UltraChina UGPIX.
  • 48.32% Fidelity® Select Semiconductors Port FSELX.

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Conventional wisdom holds that when you hit your 70s, you should adjust your investment portfolio so it leans heavily toward low-risk bonds and cash accounts and away from higher-risk stocks and mutual funds. That strategy still has merit, according to many financial advisors.

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I put my personal 401(k) and a lot of my mutual fund investing in four types of mutual funds: growth, growth and income, aggressive growth, and international. I personally spread mine in 25% of those four. And I look for mutual funds that have long track records that have outperformed the S&P.

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17 Best Bond Funds for Rebalancing in 2024
  • iShares Core US Aggregate Bond ETF AGG.
  • JPMorgan Core Bond JCBUX.
  • JPMorgan Mortgage-Backed Securities JMBUX.
  • Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond NEFRX.
  • PGIM Total Return Bond PTRQX.
  • Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF BND.
  • Vanguard Total Bond Market Index VBTIX.
May 2, 2024

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Key takeaways
  1. When you choose an investment, start by considering how it will fit into your overall investment strategy.
  2. Consider performance and risk, but don't pick a fund based just on recent results.
  3. Factor in cost and look for investment options that have potential.

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"Personally, I like Fidelity mutual funds because they offer a variety of investment options, have low fees and are backed by a reputable company with a long history of success in the industry," Latham says.

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On average, the Fidelity Contrafund has beaten the S&P 500 Index by 2.57% per year. Growth of $10,000 invested in Contrafund versus S&P 500 Index, September 17, 1990 to December 31, 2023. Total value December 31, 2023 for Contrafund was $637,227, compared to $296,182 for the S&P 500 Index.

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Best Mutual Funds in India in 2024 (as per 3Y Returns)
Fund CategoryTop-performing Funds (as per 3Y return)3Y Return (Annualised)
EquitySBI PSU Direct Plan-Growth45.50%
ICICI Prudential Infrastructure Direct Growth43.77%
HDFC Infrastructure Direct Plan-Growth42.95%
Quant Infrastructure Fund Direct-Growth42.86%
12 more rows
May 2, 2024

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What is the best time to invest in Mutual Funds? There is no rule of thumb or fixed criteria to state the best time for investing in mutual funds. While a bear market may look like an ideal time to invest in mutual funds, the identification of a bear market entirely depends on the expertise of the fund manager.

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7 Best High-Dividend Mutual Funds
FundExpense Ratio30-day SEC Yield
American Funds Capital Income Builder (CIBFX)0.66%3.4%
JPMorgan Equity Premium Income Fund (JEPAX)0.85%6%
Fidelity Floating Rate High Income Fund (FFRHX)0.72%8.8%
Baird Intermediate Bond Fund (BIMSX)0.55%4.2%
3 more rows
Mar 22, 2024

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3 Stocks That Can Help You to Get Richer in 2025 and Beyond
  • Pfizer's recent slump is understandable and not likely a long-term issue.
  • Veeva Systems has a lot to offer its 1,400-plus customers, and they tend to stick around.
  • The S&P 500 is also worth considering, as it includes many fast growers and pays a dividend, too.
May 24, 2024

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FFTWX - Fidelity Freedom ® 2025 Fund | Fidelity Investments.

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List of High Risk & High Returns in India sorted by ET Money Ranking
  • Mirae Asset Midcap Fund. EQUITY Mid Cap. ...
  • Kotak Emerging Equity Fund. EQUITY Mid Cap. ...
  • PGIM India Midcap Opportunities Fund. ...
  • Nippon India Small Cap Fund. ...
  • Kotak Small Cap Fund. ...
  • Nippon India Growth Fund. ...
  • Axis Small Cap Fund. ...
  • Invesco India Mid Cap Fund.


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.