Burroughs Wellcome & Co, Private Letter Book 1 (2024)

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Letterbook consisting of copies of internal and external letters sent by the head office of Burroughs Wellcome & Co (BW&Co), Snow Hill, December 1881 - May 1897.

This was a joint business letter book - with letters by Wellcome, Burroughs and the key senior managers Kirby and Sudlow. There are significant overlaps with WF/E/01/01/01 from August 1882.

The Letterbook includes letters illustrating the breakdown in the business relationship of Burroughs and Wellcome (eg referring to each other as "Mr..." in internal memos that are being sent to each other in the same building) and also letters on the aftermath of Burroughs's death.

A great deal of the correspondence relates to trade and sales, whether it is the gift of BW&Co products to notable names and institutions (eg Cecil Rhodes; British Army) or the relationship with BW&Co sales agents across the world.

Other topics covered in this letterbook include the day-to-day running of the business, including the move of BW&Co production from Wandsworth to Dartford and the breakdown of Wellcome's working relationship with Dr Otto Witte, Foreman and Chemist at the Wandsworth works.

Insights are also offered into how Henry Wellcome dealt with management isssues (see Mrs GUSLLAGON).

Mr ALDEN 338
Dr George ARMSTRONG, Montreal
ARMOUR [& Co] 991

BENNO JAFFE & DARMSTAEDTER, Lanolin - fabrik, 714-717
Alfred BISHOP, 17 Speek's Fields, Mile End New Town, 155, 156
BOARD OF TRADE, Labour Dept. 680 (statement re treating employees liberally)
[My dear] BOCKING 521-2 (from HSW 7 Apr 1888)
Dr. BOKENHAUN, 10 Devonshire Street, 673, 682, 689, 821, 855, 882, 903, 917, 927
Mr WG BOSCHALL, Bucharest Roumania 451-454 (from BW&Co 25 Feb 1885)
JE BOWLES, Sydney 808
BRABY & CO 795
BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Dr Holman, Treasurer 544-547 (from BW&Co 26 Mar 1889)
BULH HOBSON Co, Umballa 830
BURROUGHS, Mr & Mrs (SMB's aunt & uncle) 78-84 (from HSW 22 Apr 1882)
BURROUGHS, SM 1, 15, 26, 32, 46, 57, 62, 71, 107, 168, 249, 254, 270, 284, 309, 329, 337, 356, 398, 401, 466, 513, 533, 535, 539, 569, 579, 585, 592, 594, 605, 606, 611, 613, 621, 625a, 628, 647
FROM SUDLOW & KIRBY ON BEHALF OF BW&CO, 26-27, 46-49, 398-400 (Sudlow to SMB in Copenhagen, 13 Aug 1884), 401-402 (Sudlow to SMB in Copenhagen, 14 Aug 1884), 592 (Sudlow to SMB [on continent] 26 January 1891), 594-5 (Sudlow to SMB), 625a (Kirby - SMB), 647 (Kirby to SMB 24 Aug 1894)
BURROUGHS, SM - Letters from HSW 32-44 (HSW critical of SMB "superficial jaunt" around world and on leaving sub-agents to do important work for BW&Co); 62-68 (to SMB in India 2 Mar 1882); 71-73; 107-130 (26 May 1882); 249-253 (28 Apr 1883); 254-259 (5 May 1883); 270-282 (27 Jun 1883); 356-359 (SMB in Geneva 9 Jul 1884); 466-470 (9 Oct 1885); 513 (SMB in Dulwich 26 Nov 1887); 533 (New York 7 Nov 1888); 535-538 (New York 12 Nov 88); 539 (New York 21 Nov 1888); 569 (16 Aug 1889); 579 (6 Jan 1890); 580 (26 Mar 1890); 585-6 (26 Aug 1890); 605 (13 November 1891); 606 (Burroughs to Wellcome 14 November 1891, letters addressed to each other in Snow Hill Building); 606 (14 November 1891); 607 (Burroughs to Wellcome 15 November 1891); 611-12 (Nice, 16 March 92); 613-617 (29 April 1892); 621 (W H Kirby to Burroughs, 8 November 92); 628-9 (Paris 10 April 93)
Mrs SM BURROUGHS, 649, 659-660 (at Monte Carlo, from HSW, 12 February 1895 re aftermath of SMB's death; memorial service in honour of SMB at Dartford Parish Church; SMB's will and legal papers), 664, 676 (from Kirby 16 Apr 1895, Kirby doesn't know whereabouts of SMB's gold watch), 677 (from Kirby 16 Apr 1895, no knowledge of watch, at no time has it been in safe here)
BURROUGHS WELLCOME & CO, 645, [81], 813 (to BW&Co Sydney)

Hon Pitt CALLIN, Consul General of USA, 730 (from HSW 23 Dec 1895)
MS CAMPBELL, Colombo, 830
CJ CARNE Wandsworth, 571-3 (from BW&Co Aug 1889)
Messrs WR CASSELS & Co, Rio de Janeiro, 559-562 (appointed BW&Co agents in Brazil)
Mr CHRISTIE 324, 327, 328, 344, 456-460, 484, 517-518, 638
J&A CHURCHILL, 11 Burlington St, 77
CITY BANK, Fulham Branch Manager, 608-609 (purchase of Phoeneix Mills, Dartford), 618-619, 636, 673, 985
Dr G B CLARKE Hotel Windsor Monte Carlo 651-2 (from HSW 12 Feb 1895, on laying away of SMB's remains)
Mr COFFIN, 143 -147, 157 (on selling perfumes)
CH COOK, surgeon 351
Mr COPELAND Phoenix Mills, Dartford, 575a (from HSW 28 Sep 1889)
CROSSLEY & CO, 38 Pultrey 56, 152, 198

MA DALTON, Coleman St, 246, 260
DAVIDSON & KAY, 750, 751
JL DAVY (Tetley & Co), 869
Sir James DICK, 928
E DICKINSON, Conn 352 (purchasing witchazel)
Othon DJALIDJIAN, Paris, 933DOUGLAS CRAWFORD, Panama, 483
Dr DRESSER, New Bond Street, 244
JW DRYSDALE, 939, 949

Messrs FARR & WRIGHT, Uckfield, 697
Ben [FAIRCHILD] 473-4 (from HSW, 13 Oct 1885)
Sam, Ben & Foster [FAIRCHILD] 658 (from HSW 2 March 1895)
FELLOWS, 444-446
C FIERG, Switzerland, 102-103
Chune FLETCHER, 630, 645-6
?FORREST, 93, 178, 180
Mrs ABR Milner FOTHERGILL, 583 (from BW&Co 17 Jul 1890, on purchasing her manuscript of late Dr J Milner Fothergill entitled 'Diet' for £100...Will be published at popular price by regular publishers, but not in any way associated with a firm or individual associated with chemical or pharmaceutical co, thoroughly professional and not injurious to Dr M-F's reputation, and not as advert), 584 (from HSW 18 Jul 1890, with cheque and agreement intend to present the book to leading medical men around the world)

GALE & CO (London ) 442 (from BW&Co 20-22 Dec 1884, re use of word 'Tablet')
Mrs [GUSLLAGON?] 238-243, from HSW 16 Apr 1883hardly know how to answer, first time been accused of not appreciating and properly respecting an employee.
re 'Harry'
239 he advances staff when they deserve is, takes pleasure in it 'I do not believe that a more zealous and faithful staff is to be found in London'
241 Harry has been rude to one of the young ladies in the office, and Mr Sudlow would have been justified in dismissing him. 'The position of a lady in a public office is sufficiently embarrassing in itself without exposing her to rude treatment'. W issued an order that any future transgression will be instant dismissal
244, 246 letters re fitting out of new offices, delivery of safe (£322.18.4) without locks

George HALL, Lavender Hill, 105
Mr J H HARRIS Newport, 703-705 (21 November 1895, concerning after effetcs of a BW&Co product injected hypodermically by a doctor), 707
Ernest HART (Wimpole Street) 643-4
J HARWICKER? 69 Wolstenholm Rd, Sharrow, Sheffield, 90-91
Messrs HAGUE & CASTIGNINI, Lima Peru, 482
Henry HEATHCOTE, Plymouth, 53
Messrs [HEARN & Co] 523
AB HECTOR, 824, 835, 851, 865, 870, 899, 943, 946, 947, 959, 960, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 974, 975, 997, 998HERTZ & COLLINGWOOD, 620, 626
A Braxton HICKS, 576, 577-578
HOLMES & Co, Liverpool, 691
WF HORTON, Snow Hill, 684, 689, 692
David HOWELL 209, 212 (1883 Purchase of Snow Hill?)
JW HULL, 785, 790, 976
HUMPHREYS Son & KERSHAW, 639, 662, 781

IRWIN, Tientsin, China, 866 (re Tabloid Medicine Chest for His Excellency Li Hung Chang)

Francis JACKSON, Sheffield, 104
John F JACKSON 139 (on purchasing Jackson's shares in Kepler)
JAFFE & DARMSTAEDTER, Berlin, Germany, (BW&Co acted as an agent for their 'Lanoline' products) 714, 757, 758, 802, 922, 970, 973, 977
E JAHNCKE, 193, 443
Charles A JEFFRIES, Holborn, 262
Messrs James JONES & HEARNS 550 (24 Apr 1889 re estimate and specification for plant for manufacture of extract of malt)
Mr WJ JUSTICE, [Chancery Lane? EC] 511 (24 Oct 1887 re patents on various compressing machines)

J KELLEY, 52, 54
KERR & BRIGHT, 294, 297, 316, 335
John KNOX, Dublin, 625
Col E M KIDD, 656
John D KIRK, 702
Dr KANTHACK, 881, 883, 901, 902

LAKEMAN, c/o SMB in Sydney, 201-202
LAMMAN & KEMP, New York, 58
LANCET, 187, 195, 196, 524-5 (from HSW 19 May 1888 re Stamp Tax)
JC [CJ?] LANGLEY, 588-9 (from BW&Co [signed by HSW & SMB] 30 Oct 1890, re Langley taking charge of Melbourne office), 598-9
Miss LEAKE 688
LEWIS J GILES, Chicago, 472
LLOYD WILLIAMS, Phoenix Mills, Dartford, 610 (from HSW 9 March 1892, turning down Williams's request for a rise); 718 (from HSW 18 November 1895, on securing contract to supply Army Medical Dept with BW&Co compressed goods)
J Giles LOUIS c/o J P Bush manufacturing Co, Chicago, 471-172
Mr F W LOXTON Melbourne, 698 (25 Sep 1895 because of bad state of Australian business Mr C Corning Weld is to visit - he is chief of our dept of travelling representatives. Weld has Power of Attorney to act in Australia. expect his visit to revive and secure business in Australia. No publicity must be given to his visit); 699
C LUCAS, 910, 924
Dr LULAND, 181, 182

Mr MAISE, 74, 153 (17 Aug 1882 re expenses: spending too much on taxis, underground and bus fares), 165, 205, 214
MAPLE & Co, Tottenham Ct Rd, 98-101 (16 May 1882, ordering furniture for new building)
MARKBY, STEWART & CO, 672 (re SMB's share certificates)
W MATTOX, 541MCKESSON & ROBBINS (MCK&R), 85, 342, 481, 485
MEGGERSON & CO. 302-304
WH MELVILLE, Solicitor's Office, Inland Revenue, Somerset House, 163 (re Stamp Tax on Wyeth products); 317-323 (re arguments to exempt Hazeline from stamp duty); 346a-346e; 347-351; 354-335; 369-370; 383-384; 504-507; 509-510
MINISTER OF WAR, Cairo, 763, 764
Mr MOISE, 203, 221, 267
P MOLLER, 907, 916
CJ MOORE, Notting Hill, 183
Mrs MOORE, Kidderminster, 184
Fletcher MOULTON, 806, 814, 819, 820
Kennie B MURRAY, 984aDr MURRELL, 92 (1 May 1882, on writing to The Lancet on the value of Hazeline); 495-496

NEWBERRY & Sons, Newgate St, 343, 475
Dr NANSEN, 938
DR R K NEWTON? 176-177 (report on pills, adaptability to hostile climates)

OLIVER & BOYD, Edinburgh, 28
Wm OLDENSHAW, Nottingham, 312, 314
Dr OSWALD, 690

PANAMA STAR & HERALD, Panama. Crawford Douglas, Editor 483
PATENTS OFFICE, Trade Mark Branch, Comptroller, 720, 723, 734
GE PEARSON Fitzroy Sq 721
Wm PERRY, 499
Mr PETERSEN, Colombo 148 (being offered job as rep)
PHILLIPS & Co, Poona, 830
JHV PHILPOTT (London) 685 (from HSW 3 May 1895 re commission for Mr Horton for turning over the Wyeth contract), 748, 761, 762, 765, 775, 898, 901, 919, 940, 941, 980, 981, 988
WC PIERCE, Jersey City, 439a, 447
PIKE, Eastcheap, 210
Mr PLANT 360 (from HSW 9 Jul 1884 re Plant starting daily paper in London mainly for Americans with American news etc)

QUARTER MASTER GENERAL TO THE FORCES, 725 (from HSW 9 December1895, placing at service of medical Officers in the Aconite campaign, Wyeth Beef Juice ("extremely efficacious as nitrogenous nutritive in repairing tissue waste, and as stimulant in nervous and muscular fatigue consequent upon overexertion by forced marches etc and during convalescence from wounds or fevers. Digestibility unsurpassed when diluted with cold water and in conditions demanding liquid nourishment Contains large percentage of serum albumen, therefore all the valuable properties of the liquid portion of milk without the sugar, and of salts, especially chlorides, so necessary in recovery from fevers") and 'Emol-Keleet' (useful in cases of open sores that will not heal, as when applied, it prevents dead skin forming around the wound. Invaluable also for prickly heat, chafed skin, swollen feet etc). "Would afford satisfaction to place 6 dozen of each at your disposal for troops on Gold Coast."

Mr RADFORD, 222, 631
Charles RAISIN, Generva, 846
EJ REID, Coleman St, 192
Sir James REID, 857, 868
Prof JS REMINGTON, Philadelphia, 479-480 (re Remington's book Practice of Pharmacy); 666-668
Rt Hon Cecil RHODES, 776 (1896, sending him 'Tabloid' products (medicine chest, pocket cases))
Messrs Ricardo & Charlton, 66 Holborn Viaduct [9 4], 549
EM RICHFORD, 906, 916
Bennell RODD, Cairo, 948John ROGER, 962, 972
ROYAL LONDON YACHT CLUB 697 (from HSW 9 September 1895, re complaint over advert in BMJ)
PI RUTLAND, Chancery Lane, 646

Dr AM SCULTHORPE, 739, 752
Mr FCS SEARLE, Dartford, 623, 661, 674, 678, 679, 700-701, 713, 724, 731
Mr SHEPPERSON, Melbourne, 542, 567-568, 570 (HSW, 17 Aug 1889S has asked for more details as to how he works up business with foreign tradewill be expected to attend to the wording and designing of all adverts for medical and chemical and other papers in India, China and the East generally, also S Africa and Australian Colonies, and other countries if neccessary)
PM SHORT, 969, 992
SINGAPORE TIMES, 831 (letter of introduction for CC Weld, BW&Co Travelling Representative
Dr SMITH, Wandsworth, (letters from HSW) 526-528, 552-554, 555, 556-558 (re staff leaving), 563-566 (re dealing with staff), 574-575
Dr JE SMITH, 968
SMITH, STANISTREET & CO, Calcutta, 830
Dr Gordon STABLES, 461
Dr STERN Frankfurt, Prussia, 637, 670, 671
C STEWART, 57 Coleman Street, 50
Dr STEWART, surgeon Ceylon (ship) 200 (re testing of McKesson & Robins pills)
Mr SUDLOW 695-6 (from HSW 18 Sep 1895, feel too overwhelmed by grief to write at length)

WE TAYLOR, 918, 937
Mr TERRY, 496
Mr C THRESH? Buxton C Derbyshire 310-311 (Re. Trademarks).
AJ THOMPSON, 842, 847, 849
JC THRESH, 875, 876
Mr TINKER, New York, 519-520 from HSW 1 Jan 88
Mr James [TRIMLIN?] 514FW TUNNICLIFFE, 780, 782

Peter VAN SCHAACH, 657

WANDSWORTH POLICE STATION, Superintendent Ogilvy, 568-69 (from HSW 14 Oct 1887, asking for a plain clothes watchman, with police authority, to watch factory..."Under no circ*mstances are the watchmen to permit Dr Witte, our former manager at the factory, to enter the yard or premises at anytime until the firm gives you written notice to the contrary").
WAR OFFICE, Cairo, 767
WAR OFFICE, re Chief of Army Medical Staff, Athens, 955
JW WARD 138, 699a (re purchasing leasehold, Snow Hill), 873, 879, 880, 909, 951
Miss WARREN, 142
Messrs Wm WARNER, Philadelphia, 283, 463-465 (Jul 1885 re their use of word Tablets in this country and the colonies)
AS WATSON, Hong Kong, 832
CC WELD, Melbourne, 131, 708-9, 710, 735, 743, 747, 768, 770, 779, 785, 788, 789, 811, 819, 825, 836, 838, 842, 850, 854, 887, 926
WELLCOME, HS from Sudlow & Kirby, 9, 11, 18, 22, 300-301 (23 Sep 1883, may be able to let old premises to American Pianoforte manufacture); 371-382, 385-392 (copy of letter to HSW from SMB 7 Aug 1884, re imitators (manufacturers of compressed tablets even adopt same metal boxes and wrap label as us); 393-397 (from Sudlow [HSW at Lotus Club, New York] 12 Aug 1884); 403-414 (from Sudlow [HSW at Lotus Club] 18 Aug 1884); 415 -417 (from Sudlow 25 Aug 1884); 418-425 (from Sudlow 28 Aug 1884 (piracy of word 'Tablet')); 427-431 (Sudlow to HSW 6 Sep 1884); 432-437 (Sudlow - HSW 30th Sept 1884); 640-642 (Kirby to HSW 30 Aug 1893, extreme illness of HSW's mother), 815, 818, 833, 840, 844, 908, 911, 913, 915, 920, 921, 923, 925, 929, 930
WW WEBB, 952
Mr C WHITE c/o Mercantile Bank of India, 648
DR M WHITMARSH, Hounslow 97, (5 May 1882, article very satisfactory - unfortunately not much space in the Lancet, had to satisfy with brief reports, shall make good use of your article on a future occasion)
WILLATS & CHARLTON, 66 Holborn Viaduct, 549
W Lloyd WILLIAMS, Dartford, 610, 718, 856, 893, 895, 896, 936, 953, 987, 990
Dr Andrew WILSON, 738, 942
WILSON, SALAMAN & CO, London, 663
Dr WITTE, Bell Lane, Wandsworth, 353, 487-488, 489-491 (complaints re malt); 500
AC WOOTTON, Editor of Chemist and Druggist, 754, 755
WOLLEY SONS & Co, (Manchester), 728, 858
John WRIGHT, 498
John WYETH & BROS, 59-61 (8 Mar 1882 re Messrs Maws Sons & Thompson entering compressed medicines business); 169-175 (27 Sep 1882 come to agreement with govt for immediate future - compressed goods to be sold without stamp for a short time, although goods to be manufactured here); 215 (7 Mar 1883, Wyeth need cash. BW send them $10000); 292-3 (to Mr Wyeth from HSW 28 Aug 1883, had very narrow escape from being burned out a few days ago. Fortunately not severe enough to prevent business and fully insured); 438-439; 492-494; 530-532; 632-634; 639; 726, 727, 729WYLEY & Co, Coventry, 167

Messrs YOUNG, LADD & COFFIN, 159-161, 213, 216, 223-232, 233-237, 305

Dr ZACHARIAH (Brook St), 140

Burroughs Wellcome & Co, Private Letter Book 1 (2024)


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.