H e a r t b r o k e n - Chapter 6 - Circephone (2024)

Chapter Text

“So... You and Persephone, huh?” Abigail commented, trying to sound as casual as possible. She wanted to satisfy her curiosity, but discreetly. She continued, choosing her words carefully. “You kept it well hidden.”

“Well, it happened fast. I could hardly believe it myself,” Sam replied, fiddling with the notes on his bass without looking at her directly. He seemed a bit down. Trying to change the subject, he added, “Do you think Sebastian will be late?”

“You know how he is... Sebastian likes to take his time. I guess he'll get here when he's ready,” Abigail shrugged. Then, with a mischievous smile, she changed the topic. “But let's talk more about you and Persephone. I want to hear all the details.”

“There's not much to tell, really...”

“Did you at least kiss?”

“Yes, a couple of times. Why?”

“Well...” Abigail, concerned, decided to stop her quest for knowledge and asked, “After trying to win her over for so long, I thought you'd be happy to be dating her finally. But it seems like the topic makes you uncomfortable.”

“It's nothing...” Sam scratched his neck and gently set his bass aside. “It's just that, I don't know... I haven't heard from her in days, she doesn't answer my calls. I talked to Emily about it, and she couldn't tell me much. I know I need to give her time and all that, but... It frustrates me not knowing anything. You know?”

“Man, that sucks. Have you thought about going to her house?”

“I thought about it, but I don't want to seem too desperate or pathetic... After all, I'm unsure if we're something.”

“But, Sam, she can't just disappear like that. Even if you're not officially something, you have the right to know why she's acting this way.”

“She's probably not doing it on purpose, maybe she's just going through something rough… Well, that’s what I like to think.”

“Maybe, but it sucks that she can't even tell you she needs to be alone.”

“It's not like that if even her friend doesn't know where she is...”

“That's your problem,” Abigail felt exasperated by her friend's constant justifications, feeling like she was talking to a child. She snapped, already irritated, “You make too many excuses for her! You deserve respect, don't you think?”

“And what do you want me to do, Abi?” Sam frowned, feeling attacked. “Force her to talk to me?”

“Don't be an idiot. It's about her respecting you enough, to be honest with you. And if she can't give you that, then maybe you need to reconsider if you want someone like that in your life.”

“But what if I'm really in love? Sometimes you just can't control your feelings.”

“How can you be in love if you don't even know her!” At that moment, Abigail exploded with frustration, finding the situation completely absurd. “You don't know anything about her, yet you let her manipulate you at her will.”

“I know, Abigail!” Sam exclaimed with a tense voice, his green eyes flashing with frustration. He wanted his friend to understand his point of view, but he was far from achieving that. “I know I don't know her well, but... there's something about her, something that attracts me, something I just can't explain.”

“That something is called idealization. She has nothing, she's not special, just a pretty empty shell. I helped you because I thought this time was different...” At that moment, Abigail began to gather her things quickly, anything related to the farmer already annoyed her. “But it's the same as always, as soon as any silly girl with pretty eyes pays you a bit of attention, you fall for her. Have you already forgotten how things ended with Penny? How badly you were after that...?”

“It's not that I've forgotten, they're different situations,” Sam sighed, running a hand through his hair to try to relax a bit. “And they're different people.”

“Are they?” Abigail raised an eyebrow with curiosity, intrigued by the question. “What I mean is that, if you detailed a bit, you'd realize they're the same model of woman, the damsel in distress that you are so passionate about. Penny had a lot of family problems and the other one. She seems like a freaking child, so small and fragile. How didn't I realize...?” Abigail snorted lightly. “You're so obsessed with being the hero that you jump from relationship to relationship, trying to save these broken women, but Sam, who saves you? Who takes care of you when you fall apart? Because I've been here, and I've seen all those girls run away after they no longer need rescuing.”

“It's not that simple. I do it because I care about them, out of affection.”

“Sure, you care about them, but that doesn't mean you should sacrifice yourself for them.” She let out a sigh of exasperation, waving her hands in desperation to emphasize her point. “Relationships should be mutually beneficial, not a constant act of salvation. When will you learn to love yourself enough not to let yourself be trampled this way?”

“Are you lecturing me about love when you've been in love with Sebastian for years and can't even make the first move? That's pathetic.”

“I'm not going to console you when you're heartbroken again,” Abigail narrowed her eyes, her gaze piercing Sam with intense focus. “Don't come to me when you realize nothing has changed this time.” Before abruptly opening the door, she muttered through clenched teeth, “I seriously don't get what that woman has that makes everyone chase after her.”

“What the hell are you talking about...? And where are you going? We haven't rehearsed.”

“I'm leaving. I've had enough. Yoba…”

Thus, Sam was left in silence for a few minutes, staring at the door through which his friend had left without looking back. Despite the altercation, he didn't feel angry with her; rather, it was a sense of discomfort with himself that lingered after the event. He feared deep down that Abigail was right, desperately hoping she was wrong and that this time would be different, as this was the woman he had liked for the longest time.

But despite the time, there was a detail he overlooked. He didn't know her at all. He hadn't seen her in her darkest moments or even in her best moments, he had only seen her drunk a couple of times. Was that enough to know someone? He didn't even know what she liked, or worse, when her birthday was. She was pretty, yes, but was that enough to be after her for so long? It was true that there was something about Persephone that attracted him, he couldn't exactly define what it was, but it was almost magnetic. What he also overlooked was that this conversation would be a prelude to a future that would bring nothing good to either of them or not taking it as a warning would be something he would deeply regret.

There wasn't much time for further reflections that afternoon, as he had planned to go with his mother to one of her friends' birthday parties, Emily. He wasn't excited about the idea, but Jodi had almost begged him to go together since his father had refused to accompany her, claiming it was a women's event. Sam wasn't interested in attending either, but he agreed, hopeful of seeing Persephone that day. As they headed to the event, the feeling in Sam's chest wasn't one of excitement but of expectation. Maybe it was because he needed answers. He had spent entire days thinking about her, though deep down, he felt pathetic for needing so much to see her angelic face, to see her large emerald eyes sparkling with approval.

When they finally arrived at Emily's house, he could hear the sound of music and laughter from outside. The party was in full swing when they entered. Laughter filled the room, and the aroma of freshly prepared food filled the air. The hostess approached them with a friendly smile.

“Emily, happy birthday!” Jodi said happily, handing her a gift. “I hope you like it.”

“A birthday gift? That's very kind of you! I love it,” she exclaimed, greeting them enthusiastically, brimming with joy. “Thank you for coming. Please, make yourselves at home.”

The place was filled with joy and celebration. Soft lights hung from the ceiling, creating a cozy and festive atmosphere. The living room was tastefully decorated, with a brightly colored tablecloth covering the central table where the magnificent birthday cake sat. Music played softly in the background, adding a lively touch to the ambiance. Sam went almost unnoticed amidst the celebration and sat with a hint of impatience. However, during that feeling, someone recognized him. It was Penny, smiling and chatting with some guests. Both noticed each other's presence, though they remained observing from a distance.

“What I needed…” the young man sighed, trying to take a deep breath to calm himself; there were too many things to think about at the moment. “What a sh*tty day.”

The conversation with his friend had left an open wound inside him, a feeling of unease that he couldn't shake off. Penny's gaze, which he still felt on him, acted as a doorway to a whirlwind of thoughts that Sam had tried to keep sealed. The sight of the young woman seemed to diminish him as if her presence at the birthday party was a tangible reminder of his past failures. He couldn't help but remember how things had ended between them, the sleepless nights, and the unresolved conversations. Every unspoken word and every unmade gesture seemed to swirl in his mind.

He slowly started to feel short of breath, overwhelmed by being surrounded by so many people, especially those who reminded him of the problems he had been dragging for years. The laughter, music, and conversations mixed into a deafening chaos that seemed to crush him. His heart pounded uncontrollably, and his breathing became rapid and shallow. He clung to a corner of the living room, trying to keep his composure while his mind filled with anxious thoughts.

He felt he needed a break, a moment of calm to regain control over himself. With trembling hands, he made his way through the crowd and headed to the kitchen. The muffled sound of music and laughter faded as he walked down the hallway, but his labored breathing still thundered in his ears. Finally, he reached the kitchen and leaned against the counter, trying to catch his breath.

“Sam…?” A voice rumbled in his ears, and when he turned around, he saw someone familiar. The emerald green eyes sparkled with concern. Her hair was a different shade than he remembered, shorter, and she wore an apron stained with various foods, a sign that she had been cooking.

“Persephone?” He could barely murmur, frowning as he convinced himself it was her. Perse took a step closer, her worried look intensifying.

“Are you okay? You look pale.”

Sam leaned against the counter, feeling the words catch in his throat. He wanted to say so many things, to express the confusion and worry he had been feeling, but the words just wouldn't come out. Persephone immediately noticed the distress on his face and his labored breathing. Without wasting time, she moved closer to him and wrapped him in a warm hug. He felt her comforting presence and affectionate embrace, which began to calm his nerves. The feel of her body against his, combined with the familiar scent of her hair, helped him connect with the present and push away the anxiety that had overwhelmed him.

As she hugged him, Persephone began to speak in a low, soothing voice. “I’m here, Sam. You're safe. Just breathe deeply with me, okay?” They started to synchronize their breaths, inhaling, and exhaling slowly. Sam closed his eyes and followed her instructions. Gradually, he began to regain a calmer breathing rhythm and feel the tension in his body decrease. She gently took his trembling hands and guided him to a nearby chair.

Calmly, she reminded Sam to breathe deeply. She asked him to close his eyes and focus on his breathing, inhaling slowly through his nose and exhaling even more slowly through his mouth. She encouraged him to count his breaths to maintain a steady rhythm. As Sam followed these instructions, Persephone quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to him, smiling, trying to convey calmness.

“How do you feel? Are you better?”

“Yes, thank you.” He took a long sip of water, somewhat agitated. “Sorry for... all this... I’m not supposed to get like this.”

“It’s no bother, I know how horrible it is to deal with something like this…” She sat down next to him and then added with concern, “Do you want to talk about it?”

“What are you doing here?” Sam evaded the question, placing the glass on the table and staring at her, intimidating her a bit.

“I helped prepare the food, actually…” She responded thoughtfully, somewhat playing dumb, then laughed lightly to lighten the mood. “I’m not the best cook, but I get by. What are you doing here? Did your mom force you to come?”

“No, my mom didn’t force me. I just... wanted to see you.” His voice sounded a bit calmer now, though still with a trace of tension. “I thought you had… you know, disappeared completely.”

“No… I-I…” She hesitated a bit before almost whispering, “I’m sorry. I’m a fool.”

“Sorry for what?”

“There were some things I had to deal with, and... I got so caught up in them that I didn't realize how much time had passed… I thought you wouldn't talk to me again.”

“Don’t be silly, Perse. I wouldn't stop talking to you. If you ever disappear again, I’ll chase you all over town.” He laughed a little, feeling somewhat invaded by the tension, but that unleashed all the tears Persephone had inside. “It was a joke, calm down! Don’t cry, please.”

“No, seriously, I’m sorry… I’m a horrible person.” She sobbed harder, avoiding looking him directly in the eyes. “I keep messing things up more and more. I swear it wasn't on purpose. I didn't want to disappear like that. I missed you… I thought I could face you, but I’m weaker than I thought.” She put her hands over her face in shame. “I’ve thought about this a lot, but I disappointed you.”

“Quite the opposite,” Sam said tenderly, looking into her eyes and trying to convey sincerity. “I know you have your own life and your problems. I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret because of me. I don’t want you to end up suffering.” He paused and hesitated, reflective. “I could never think you're a bad person, and I think you shouldn’t say that about yourself. But if still...” He searched for the right words before continuing. “If at any moment you wanted to be with me, I’d be here, ready to make you happy. I feel like I’m a better person with you. And if that doesn’t happen, I still wish you the best.”

“Don’t say that!” Persephone exclaimed with a trembling voice, putting a hand to her chest as if Sam’s words had hit her directly in the heart. “If you knew how I am if you knew me, I’m sure you wouldn’t even like me, not one bit.”

"Go ahead, then," Sam recalled that argument with Abigail and smiled weakly. "Let me get to know you, it’s what I’ve wanted to do since I first saw you. Because then I don’t know what to do to stop thinking about you, Perse."

"I’m the one who’s supposed to be comforting you," Persephone exhaled, laughed a little, and wiped the last tears that had fallen. "I don’t know if I deserve you."

Sam smiled and placed his hand on her cheek, gently caressing her skin. Despite everything that had happened, he felt a ray of hope seeing her like this, feeling that her words were sincere and that her worries were genuine. He whispered into the farmer’s ear, "I promise we can make it work." She nodded gently and tilted her head to the side, allowing her lips to slowly approach Sam’s. They met in a tender but meaningful kiss, sealing their promise with the sweet taste of hope.

After Emily’s birthday party, which ended early because the hostess had to work the next day, Sam offered to walk Persephone back to her house. The night was calm, and the moon shone in the starry sky, painting everything with a soft, silvery light. They walked together, holding hands, through the streets of the small town, the crunch of their steps on the pavement creating a relaxing melody. The air was cool and fragrant with the scents of the night. Sam could feel his heartbeat as he walked beside Persephone, feeling her closeness in a way that made him smile.

The silence between them was not uncomfortable; on the contrary, it was filled with a connection that only they understood. Occasionally, they shared a soft laugh or exchanged knowing glances that spoke more than words. Sam realized how much he had missed being near her and how good it felt to have her back in his life.

Finally, they arrived at Persephone’s house, a charming farmhouse surrounded by gardens and trees. Soft lights illuminated the entrance, and Sam stopped in front of the main door with her. Both knew it was time to say goodbye, but neither seemed to want to take the step. The blonde looked at the farmer tenderly, his eyes meeting hers in a silent exchange of emotions.

"Do you want to come in?" Persephone asked, breaking the silence, her eyes pleading. "I have some wine inside, I made it myself. It might taste awful, or maybe not."

"Sure, it’s hard to resist an offer like that."

Persephone opened the door to her house, and Sam followed her inside. The interior had a cozy atmosphere, with wooden furniture and rustic details that gave it a special charm. Persephone’s home seemed to reflect her personality: simple but authentic. As they settled in the cozy living room, she went to fetch the bottle of wine. Sam sat on the large sofa, wondering how old all the objects were; they looked ancient. His gaze rested on a wall filled with portraits of people he didn’t recognize. He tried to find the young woman among them, but she seemed to be part of none.

She returned with the wine and two glasses. She uncorked the bottle with a soft pop, and the aroma of the liquid-filled the air. Sam watched intently as she poured the dark liquid into the glasses, with golden highlights from the moonlight dancing on its surface.

"I hope this doesn’t give us food poisoning." Perse joked, handing him the glass with some nervousness. "It’s the first time I’ve made wine."

"I’m sure it will be delicious. Let’s try it!" He took a sip and savored the wine, nodding with approval. "Honestly, it’s not bad at all."

"There’s no need to lie to make me feel good." She took a sip and was pleasantly surprised. "It’s acceptable, could be better."

"I’m not lying. This homemade wine is unlike anything I’ve tried. It has a unique flavor; I can’t place what it reminds me of. I want to drink more!"

"Not so fast, Sam. I don’t recommend getting drunk on wine; the hangover is awful."

"It feels ironic that you’re talking to me about drunkenness…" Sam let out a soft laugh, remembering the times he’d seen Persephone drunk.

"Yeah, yeah. I know I don’t handle my drinks well," she clicked her tongue in mild annoyance, feeling singled out. "But that doesn’t mean I want to deal with you drunk."

"You’ve never seen me drunk; do you know why? Because I’m responsible." Sam joked as he took the glass. Perse rolled her eyes playfully. "Unlike you."

"Well, I suppose I'll have to believe you about being responsible." She smiled and then leaned back on the couch, relaxing. "But don’t try to act tough with me; I wouldn’t judge you if I saw you drunk."

For a moment, they both remained in comfortable silence. Persephone snuggled into Sam's chest, already beginning to feel signs of tiredness. As she nestled, he stroked her hair while he went over everything that had happened in his mind, as if he were wavering between conflicting emotions.

"You know...?" he murmured, catching the attention of the girl resting on his chest. "Since I started liking you, I’ve realized that maybe I can’t protect you, I’m not that strong."

"What are you talking about...? Protect me from what?" she asked curiously, her eyes struggling to stay open. "You told me you’d make me happy."

"And I will, as long as you’re by my side." Sam fell into a pensive, somewhat melancholic silence before clearing his throat and saying, "I guess it’s time for me to go home..."

"What?" Persephone sat up, looking somewhat disappointed. "So soon?"

"It’s late, Perse. I should go back, maybe my mother is worried."

"Can’t you stay...? Please..." Her big eyes shone pleadingly.

"If you look at me like that, it’s hard to say no..." He smiled, still hesitant. But his doubts were quelled when Persephone moved closer, a playful and mischievous look in her emerald green eyes. She stopped just inches from him, letting the tension and anticipation fill the air between them. Sam’s heart began to pound as she raised a hand and traced a finger down his chest, sending shivers down his spine.

"I can convince you in other ways..." she whispered in a soft, seductive voice. "I’ll do anything to make you stay."

Sam's response was a soft, passionate kiss, a confirmation of his words. He wrapped her in his arms, holding her by the waist and pulling her even closer as if he didn’t want to leave any space between their bodies. Their lips parted for just a moment, long enough for their gazes to meet, communicating a deep desire and palpable connection. Without a word, Persephone took Sam’s hand and pulled him towards her, ending up one on top of the other on the old couch.

Emotions intertwined with each touch of their lips, and the tension in the air finally released in a kiss full of desire. Their lips met in a slow but passionate dance, exploring every corner of each other's sweet mouths. They sought to discover all the nuances of each other's taste as if each kiss was a step toward the intimacy they had been avoiding.

"Are you sure... about this...? I don’t… I am, well, you know. I never do that with somebody."

"Neither am I, really," Perse interrupted with her soft, sincere voice, reassuring him. "I don’t want to rush you into anything you don’t want."

"I just want to be with you... in any way you want," Sam whispered sincerely, leaning in to steal a gentle kiss.

"At that moment, their clothes seemed to be in the way, and they made sure to rid themselves of them completely, casting aside any modesty. Their kisses grew deeper, and more urgent, expressing the immense attraction and magnetism they felt for each other. Sam trailed a path of kisses from Persephone’s neck down to her breasts, where his lips met her erect nipples, eager for his attention. He caressed them with his tongue and lips, eliciting moans of pleasure in response. Persephone arched her back, offering herself completely to him.

Her hands explored Sam’s back, feeling the tension in his muscles as he moved, holding onto him gently. At the peak of their kisses and caresses, the young man began to introduce his firm, throbbing masculinity. Even without previous experience, nature itself guided his steps. The young woman let out a stifled moan as her nails dug into her partner’s back. She moaned loudly and clung to him. Contrary to what she had thought, it wasn’t very painful; it was just a sharp sensation.

“Is this... is this, okay? Does it hurt?” Sam asked, biting his lower lip, trying to be gentle.

“Keep going... please.'"

Sam, still with a hint of concern in his eyes, continued carefully, ensuring that Persephone was always comfortable. Every movement was slow and delicate as if he were exploring the unknown but exciting territory. He found himself immersed in an overwhelming mix of sensations. On one hand, he felt a burning passion enveloping him, a deep and throbbing desire pushing him to delve deeper and deeper. But at the same time, a shadow of insecurity clung to his mind, like a persistent echo of his doubts and fears.

Every touch from Persephone was like an electric spark coursing through his skin, making his heart pound. He felt the warmth of her body, and the softness of her skin, and marveled at the beauty of each of her movements. Every moan and sigh she emitted told him he was doing something right, that he was bringing her to ecstasy, and that filled him with satisfaction and pride.

But despite everything, an inner voice kept murmuring, planting seeds of doubt in his mind. Was he doing everything correctly? Was he pleasing Persephone the way she desired? The uncertainty haunted him, threatening to steal his confidence in that intimate moment.

“W-wait...” Persephone whispered, feeling him somewhat disconnected, and tenderly caressed his cheek. “Is something wrong? Are you... not enjoying it?”

Sam paused for a moment, looking at Persephone with surprise in his eyes. He could hear the insecurity in her voice, and that made him react.

“No, it's not that,” he responded quickly, seeking her eyes to convey sincerity. “It's just that... I never imagined this could happen. I don't want to ruin it.”

“Don't be silly... There's nothing you could do wrong,” Persephone sighed with relief, her fingers gently caressing his cheek. “You’re mine, right?”

Their lips met again, this time with renewed passion. Their bodies fused in a passionate embrace as the desire between them grew. The old couch became their refuge, a place where time stood still, and the outside world disappeared. They moved together in a dance of desire, their bodies fitting perfectly as if they were meant for each other.

Persephone let out a ragged sigh when Sam found her most sensitive spot, making her tremble with pleasure. He increased the intensity, listening to her pleas, and tightened his grip on her hips, while Sam tried to hold back until he abruptly stopped. Whispers of names and promises were lost in the room as their bodies tensed, and a shared moan filled the room as they reached the climax of their passion. Afterward, exhausted but completely satisfied, they snuggled together, their bodies still intertwined on the worn-out couch.

“Sam...” She broke the silence, her voice full of emotion. “I don't want you to leave. Please... I don't want to be alone tonight.”

Persephone's words resonated in Sam's heart, filling him with a mix of tenderness and understanding. He didn’t fully grasp the true meaning of those words. Without hesitation, he stroked her hair and drew her closer.

"I’m not going anywhere." Then he sealed his words with a tender kiss on her forehead, caressed her cheeks, and gazed at her as if trying to memorize every detail of her face. "You don’t have to be alone, not tonight or any other night."

As he hugged her affectionately, he felt that he was in the right place, where he was meant to be at that moment. However, despite the happiness filling his heart, Abigail’s words still echoed in his mind. He had doubts about whether his friend was right, whether he was repeating the same patterns of the past by pursuing Persephone. Though he wanted to believe that this time would be different, he couldn’t help but wonder if he was deceiving himself once again. With these thoughts in his head, Sam snuggled next to Persephone on the sofa, trying to find comfort in her presence, but feeling that there were still unanswered questions.

H e a r t b r o k e n - Chapter 6 - Circephone (2024)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.