Half-Demon: Various Yandere Demon Slayer Male Verse X Half Demon OC - Chapter 2 - TheYandereSpecialistEPICNESSQUEEN - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

(No One's POV)

"Bring them back! Bring them back! Caw!

Tanjirou, dressed in a checkered haori, with a scar on his forehead! Nezuko, a female demon with a bamboo muzzle! Marie, a female with a floral kimono! Bring them back! Bring them back! Caw!" A crow screeched, circling the forest.

It didn't take long for the team to find Tanjiro, nor this demon- but nezuko was a little harder to catch. But they managed to do so, securing the three for transport to the mansion.

It wasn't like the three weren't known to the master of the manor- in fact he'd received a letter from Urokodaki with Giyuu also acknowledging the letter and its contents to be truthful. He hasn't had time however to let everyone else know.

But by Demon corp rules, Tanjiro was to be on trial for working with demons.

He was placed on the ground while Nezuko remained in her box and out of his Grasp- not that it mattered since he was tied up. Marie was also tied with her hands bound by ropes soaked in wisteria floral extract oils, though she was only now being brought out as one of the kakushi had to hold her Parasol for her as she tried to not squint her eyes.

While she could technically be in daylight, it wasn't particularly pleasant, and only for so long. Clothe: helped, so did her parasol, the shade. But that only did so much. She was still exposed. If too much time passed, she'd burn like any other demon. Summer was the worst season.

She was lead out to see a lineup of demon slayers, each one stood out, some more than others. She also could see tanjiro as she perked up.

"Hey, I said wake up. Wake... Hey! Hey, you! C'mon, you! C'mon! Are you gonna sleep all day?! Wake the hell up, will you?!" The man was trying to wake Tanjiro up. He seemed to finally snap out of it.

The first man to speak was a man with white hair and he had a headband on. He was really tall. "Bummer. I heard he was a Demon Slayer with a demon in tow, so I was looking forward to seeing someone more flamboyant... but that's one drab-looking dude, huh?" This man was the sound Hashia, Tengen Uzui.

"Yes! And now, we'll put this boy on trial! I see!" A firey haired man says. His name was Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira.

"Marie!" Tanjiro said drawing their attention to Marie. "Are- Are you okay! Wh-Who are these peop --

The man shoves his head into the ground.

"Don't open your mouth just yet, you moron! Just who do you think is standing before you?!" He demands. "You're in the presence of the Hashiras!"

"D-Don't do that to him!" Marie cries out. "He does n-not kn-know what is going on!"

"I am sorry miss!" Kyojuro says to her. "But you are a civilian, you do not get a say in this."

"Speaking of that." Tengen says. "Why is a beautiful woman like her doing here?"

Marie face went red and she moves her hands to hold her face as she is now flustered.

"Master told them specifically to let miss Marie be here." A man with a butterfly hair pin and an odd stare. He is the poison Hashira. "

"But why!?" A Pink haired male says, he was the love Hashira. "I mean she is so cute! I have never seen a woman as cute as her!"

Marie's face goes a even darker shade of red and she continues to hold her cheeks.

It was hard given the fact her hands were bound- and the wisteria made her skin feel like it was burning slightly- only making her feel more sick than she had previously- wonderful. Yet again, she stuns herself with her own intellectual capacity.

"I-I don't- I don't understand-" Tanjiro didn't finish as the poison hashira kneeled down.

"This is the Demon Slayers' headquarters. And you're about to be put on trial... Tanjirou Kamado." Oh boy..

"Before we start the trial, why don't you explain the crime you've comm --" his request was cut off .

"There's no need for a trial!" Kyojuro said. "Huh?" "Protecting a demon is a clear violation of the code! We're within our rights to deal with him on our own! We're going to behead him along with the demon!" He said, a smile on his face.

"In that case, I'll be glad to decapitate him flamboyantly. I'll show you the most flamboyant blood spray you'll ever see. I'm talking max flamboyance."

If Tanjiro was pale hearing those words..

Marie was pale as a sheet.

She nearly felt her legs give out-

"N-No way...h-how...How can you say such a. Thing?! Please don't hurt him-"

"shut up!" The kakushi holding her parasol for her hissed out causing her to flinch. How cruel..

They continue talking and then the poision hashira is giving tanjiro some water. Marie wonder if this was okay.

"You may tell us now, take your time."

"For the case of Marie, she ...She offer to help me cure my sister." He says. "The demon, She is my sister, she has not eaten any human in her whole time as demon."

"I do not believe you." Obanai the snake hashira says. "If she is your sister than you are blinded by familiar bounds."

Marie felt uneasy. She did not like the way this was going.

They continued to speak with him and the the love Hashira spoke up. Saying that they should wait for the master.

My sister... My sister will fight with me by my side!" He says and he meant it. "She can fight as a Demon Slayer to protect humans! So please..."

Shinazugawa the wind Hashir arrives, carrying Nezuko's box.

"Well, well, I see you have some fun brewing here." He says. "Is that the moron Slayer who has a demon with him?"

"What the hell are you trying to pull here?" The poison hashira demands.

"This won't do, Master Shinazugawa! Please, would you mind putting down that box?" The Kakushi says.

"Shinazugawa, please don't act out of line."

"What did you say about that demon, kid?" He asks and grabs his sword. "That she can fight as a Demon Slayer to protect humans? You know what we call that? A total delusion, you moron!"

He suddenly stabs the box and Marie eyes changed instantly the smell of blood even demon triggered her change. Her eye color going from a beautiful shade of blue

to blues with pink and flexs of grey and green. A small slit in them. Her brown hair changing to a Pure white. Everyone eyes were on her. She moved fast. Pushing the Wind Hashira down and grabbing the box. Bringing it away from the hashira. She was close to tears. She just revealed herself and all the hashira were NOW on edge.

All speaking simular lines. of how was a demon able to be in the stun. Now since she was in her demon form the oil of wistera started to burn her skin a bit more and she whimpers tears flowing from her eyes.

"D-Do-Don't y-you hu-hurt her...!" She says holding the box close to her.

The wind hashira was going to cut her head off, but then the master was here.

"I think that is enough." He says calmly. "Miss Marie, come here, the sun and wisteria will bot hurt you when combined."

Marie whimpered but nodded carrying Nezuko in her box with her.

Shinazugawa immediately was in a deep bow as Marie narrowed her eyes at him before rubbing the side of the box.

"If I may, Master... Before we start the Hashira Meeting, would you mind enlightening us about this swordsman, Tanjirou Kamado, accompanied by a demon- no- two demons."

'He didn't seem to have a drop of intelligence or logic, but he's speaking so formally now! And with such respect too, this man just be very important..he managed to stop him from hurting nezuko firrher..and decapitating Marie- I was so useless...she'd be dead right now if he hadn't come in..' Tanjiro thought.

"Right. I apologize for startling you all. As for Tanjirou and Nezuko, now including Marie, I've sanctioned their situation. And I'd also like you all to accept it."

Marie was still glaring at the Hashira, more out of fear than anger.

"Ahh... Even if it's what you desire, Master, I cannot agree to it." The large one said, the stone hashira.

Marie watched them as they all said their piece.

"I'm flamboyantly opposed as well! A Demon Slayer travelling with a demon is unacceptable!" Tengen says

The love Hashira smiles. "I shall do whatever it is you wish, Master!"

"I'm fine either way... I'm going to forget soon, anyway." A man who looked 18 says.

"I won't trust them. I won't trust them. In the first place, I loathe demons." Obanai comments.

"Although I respect you with all my heart, that's an incomprehensible notion, Master! I oppose it with everything I've got!" Kyojuro adds.

"The Demon Slayer Corps' mission is to annihilate demons. I request that you penalize both Kamado and Tomioka!" That man from before said as Marie who had now calmed down huffed and glared at him, holding the box close.

Nezuko was just a child..a child who was dragged into this against her will..to make such assumptions- but she ultimately understood why..they had to make these tough decisions..

Doesn't mean she has to like them or how they've handled it. Especially that one with the scars. Him and his stupid bug eyes.

Kagaya spoke up. "The letter."

"Yes, Master. This is a letter received from a former Hashira, Sakonji Urokodaki. I shall read you an abridged version. 'Please allow Tanjirou to be accompanied by his sister, a demon. Because of her resilient mental strength...Nezuko has not lost her human emotions. Even in a starved state, she never devoured humans, and this has held true more than two years later. Although the situation seems somewhat far-fetched, it is an indisputable fact. In the event that Nezuko does assault a human, Tanjirou Kamado, as well as...Sakonji Urokodaki and Giyuu Tomioka will atone by committing ritual suicide." She read the first portion of the letter but was cut off at her pause by Sanemi

"So what if they commit ritual suicide? If you want to die, then rot for all I care! It's no guarantee! Not by a long shot! We have two demons here now! One that can go in the sunlight, who managed to fool some of the others- Hashira at that!"

Fool..that's such a cruel way to put it..it wasn't her fault- she wasn't even fully demonized, she can't when it's daylight.

"Shinazugawa is right! If they kill and devour a human, there's no coming back from that! It won't bring back the people who were killed!" Kyojuro said still smiling.

Kagaya stopped for a moment. While he trusted Urokodaki with his life, how sure could he be to trust him with an entire population's lives.

"You do have a point."

"In that case..." Sanemi muttered while Kyojuro tried to help the master see reason.

"We can't guarantee that she won't attack humans. We can't prove it. That said... we also can't prove that she will attack humans." Kagaya said much to almost everyone's displeasure.

"The fact is that Nezuko has refrained from devouring humans for more than two years, and also that there are three people risking their lives for her. To reject this notion, those who reject it must offer an even more convincing argument. And that's without even discussing Marie."

He then 'looked' out to the Hashiras. "Do you all have the will to do so?"

"Ngh..." Kyojuro couldn't really refute that

"Also, there's something I'd like to relay to you, my children. Tanjiro here has met Kibutsuji."

Marie's eyes widened. That's right. They were in Tokyo, she only saw the aftermath of him holding down some transformed man. She had t seen Muzan personally- for that she could be grateful.

"No, impossible! Even when no Hashira has ever crossed paths with him?! This kid did?! What did he look like?! What about his powers?! Where did this take place?!" Uzui demanded as Tanjiro was overwhelmed. All of this.. Nezuko, Marie, himself. They were all potentially going to meet death- he could hardly think about Muzan now.

Tokitou spoke up next. "Did you battle him?"

"What was Kibutsuji doing?! Did you find his stronghold?! Hey, answer me!" Sanemi demanded as he pulled Tanjiro's hair.

"Shut up! I asked him first! First, tell us what powers Kibutsuji has!" Uzui said, shoving his hand into Sanemi'a face. "Put your hand in my face again and I'll cut your arm off!"

Kagaya could hear the chaos and brought his finger to his lips.

"Kibutsuji has sent pursuers after Tanjirou, Nezuko, and Marie. Though his purpose may simply be to silence them, now that Kibutsuji's given himself away for the first time, I don't want to let go. I also believe something's happening to Nezuko that Kibutsuji never saw coming."

Tanjiro looked up. He understood..maybe Nezuko would be safe.

"Can you try to understand?" He asked gently.

But Sanemi woudlnt back down. "No, I can't understand, Master. If it were human, I'd be okay with letting it live, but not a demon! Not after all that we Demon Slayers have gone through in battle! Not after so many people have lost their lives! It's unacceptable!"

So that's why..Marie stayed so far from humans and demons alike to the best of her abilities for so long..she'd forgotten just how much others may have suffered..

That being said- it didn't really make him trying to decapitate her okay! Maybe she was a little biased in that regard though as she quite liked her head on her shoulders.

That's when he did something no one expected. With that sharp sword..she slashed across his arm. His red hot blood dripping onto the ground beneath him and soaking into the dirt.

Mitsuro stared in absolute horror. 'Huh? Huh? What are you doing? What are you doing? You're soiling the garden! Master worked so hard on it!'

"Master! I will prove it to you myself! The sheer ugliness of a demon!"

Kagaya could smell the blood. "Sanemi..." he tried to warn as he jumped into the patio.

He made his way to Marie who was clenching the box now that she'd managed to get out of the ropes.

His blood..it was so fresh...

She didn't get to think about that for long before he kicked Marie down as she cried out and Tanjiro screamed at him to leave her alone as he put a foot on Marie's hand that was still on the box causing her to growl. He was going to break her hand!

She could see his blood dripping into the box.

"Hey, demons! It's time to eat! Sink your teeth into this! No need to force yourself to hold back. Just show us your true colors, and I'll obliterate you right here!"

"Stop it!! Ack!!" Tanjiro was cut off by Obanai digging his elbow into Tanjiro's spine.

"Come on out, demon!" He began to stab at the box. "Look, it's the human blood you love so much!"

Shinobu looked at Iguro.

"Iguro, you're digging into him too hard. Ease up a bit please." He muttered. "I'm only holding him down because he's trying to move." He said as Tanjiro was struggling.

"Kamado, if you use any breathing techniques while your lungs are being squeezed, your veins will burst."

Uzui stopped, turning to the trio now. "His veins will burst! I like it! Sounds flamboyant and flashy! Come on! Start bursting!"

Himejima spoke up, rubbing his beads together.

"Mmm...Poor soul. Such a weak, pathetic child... Namu Amida Butsu." He muttered.

"Ngh... Ngh... Grrr..." Nezuko had come out of her box, with both demons now standing, Marie holding her shoulder with her good hand. They had to fight this.. Marie ate animals..if she couldn't find animals..then she'd feed on humans. Dead humans. Which was dangerous for her. She'd gotten sick before from doing it. She couldn't smell if they had illness, not over the stench of death. It was risky, but she never wanted to hurt anyone ever again. So she'd risk it- perhaps it will be what ironically kills her.

Shinazugawa seemed to find it amusing as both were drooling.

Tanjro could hear his laughter..that stupid laugher! He managed to break free, running to the trio as Tomioka takes Iguro's arm.

"Nezuko! Marie!" Tanjiro called as the pair just stare at the arm, with Nezuko grunting front he physical strength it was taking to hold herself back before the two were finally able to turn their heads away in disgust.

This shocked everyone. They both rejected it.

"P-Put th-that away..." Marie whispers. "Y-You a-are a v-vile man..."

Marie felt bad for saying it but she did not like how this man was treating Nezuko. Marie had become like a big sister to her.

Sanemi did not know why, but he was hurt by her words. He scoffs and jumps away.

"What happen?" the master asked.

"Miss Marie and Miss Nezuko saw the blood on his arm and turned their heads away in disgut."

"There you have it." Master says. "Proof that Nezuko and Marie will not attack a human. Marie if you could tell us how you can walk into the sun?"

Marie still refused to look at The hashiras bjt did speak up.

"I..I don't know. I can- but can't. I can't stay for long- even in the shade..the stronger the sun, the less I can stay in it..I've been like this since..since I was born to my knowledge. Forgive me- I know as much as you do..I'm hoping to find out what I am.." she muttered. Lord Tamayo said he'd study her blood..

"And what about food?" Kagaya asked. He was curious if she was similar to nezuko. He heard Nezuko could simply sleep it off.

Just hearing him talk made her feel more at ease. She could see why he was so respected.

She seemed to change moods as she looked away, embarrassed. "You'll have to forgive a woman for not wanting to share her feeding habits. They aren't particularly..lady-like or proper." She said. No way she'd admit to eating corpses like some sort of scavenger- even if that's what she was.

"But I have never attacked a human." She assures them. "Oh and I still lo-love human food. I can eat human food, b-but for most of my life it had no nutritional value for me. When I was a child yes, but as I gre older... The less it did for me... Though I still do enjoy the taste, though if I eat to much at once it can make me a bit sick."

"Oh! I will have to make some pancakes with honey for you!" He gushed.

Marie smiles. "I would like that, I have not had them since I was a little girl."

"Yes, your name." Obanai says pointing at her. "It is strange, pretty but strange."

"O-Oh my mother came overseas with her parents wh-who were merchants! She stayed and sometime later I was born." Marie says.

Her mother could not handle Marie no more so she left her daughter when she was just 17 it had been four years since then. Marie being older than Tanjiro by one year.

"If you were born a demon, then did Muzan create you?"

Marie tilted her head. "I do not think so, a demon told me once that demons Muzan makes are cursed so they cannot say his last name. I have said it in the past and never been punished for it." She says. "S-So something else must have happen."

The insect Hashira nods his head. "I will have to do an exam of her." He says. "If I am right, It sounds like Marie could have been concieved by a demon father and a human mother." He looks up at Marie. "Marie, do you know if your mother ever had sex with a demon?"

Marie just blinked confused... "Uh... What is sex?"

It quickly went silent as no one answered that question.

"I'm sure that even after this, there are some who can't accept Nezuko nor Marie.

You must prove it to them starting now... that you, Nezuko and Marie can fight as Demon Slayers, that you can be useful."

Tanjiro looked at the master as he bowed his head deep onto the ground.

'What is this feeling? It's like I'm floating. His voice... Is it because of this man's voice that I'm feeling light in the head?'

"Go out and defeat a Twelve Kizuki. Do that, and you'll be accepted by all. And it will give more weight to your words."

"I... Nezuko, Marie, and I will defeat Muzan Kibutsuji! We'll do it for sure! Strike with the sword that will stop the chain of grief!"

His eyes were full of passion. No doubt this young man meant every word.

The master smiled. "As you're ill-equipped to do so right now, Tanjirou, let's start by defeating a Twelve Kizuki, all right?" He said.

Tanjirou felt embarrassment fill him.

"Erk! Yes, sir..."

Mitsuro was struggling to hold his giggles, his face going red as he covered his mouth.

'You mustn't laugh! You mustn't, you mustn't, you mustn't!'

Kocho however let out one under his breath.

"It goes without saying that the Hashiras of the Demon Slayer Corps have phenomenal skills. After training themselves to death, they have defied death, and they've also defeated Twelve Kizuki."

Rengoku smiled widely, the tension gone now. "Yes! A good attitude to have!" He cheered as Uzui looked at him. Soemtimes he wondered if that man had any thoughts upstairs.

"That is why Hashiras receive respect and preferential treatment. So, Tanjirou, mind your manners when you speak."

"Ah- y-yes, sir." "One more thing, Sanemi, Obanai... Don't torment the younger ones too much."

The two lowered their heads, muttering a "as you wish."

"Tanjirou, we have concluded our business with you. You may step back." He dismissed them as Marie took her parasol off the ground, inspecting it before being seemingly happy with there being no damage..couldn't say the same about her hand. It'll be fine in Few hours most likely..

"In that case, allow me to take them into my house." "What?" "H-huh?" Given the interactions they'd had previous, they weren't expecting that.

"All right, then! Take them away please!" He said clapping his hands as the kakushi reappear.

"Pardon me for cutting in front of you!" Gotoru said as he bowed deeply before dragging off Tanjiro as the rest were escorted. Marie seemed to be back to normal now.

The Hashira just stand there, trying to process exactly what had happened before hearing footsteps approaching.

"Hold on a second!"

"Get back here!" The kakushi's rush after the young man, tackling him to the ground infront of the master and the other hashira.

"Ngh...Please allow me to headbutt that man covered in scars! I gotta --"

"Shut up! Keep your mouth shut!" The kakushi screeched.

But he didn't stop. "I gotta headbutt him as many times as he stabbed Nezuko! As many times as he hurt Marie! It's unforgivable! Headbutting isn't a violation of the Corps rules, right?"

The kakushi catch up to him and they are scolded. Marie smiles as she stands off to the the side. She did not know that all the Hashira were watching her. They all felt a strange way about her.

Half-Demon: Various Yandere Demon Slayer Male Verse X Half Demon OC - Chapter 2 - TheYandereSpecialistEPICNESSQUEEN - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.