Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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Page Twenty Friday The Lexington Leader May 19 1939 PROOF-NOTHING BUT PROOF FOR OLD MOHAWK MEDICINE Plan Proposed For Erection Of New Store lows a credit for any amount paid to the city for aaimllar oiivilege The city changed the license fees effective July 1 from $300 to $400 for package sale md from $500 to $450 for sale by the drink The beer license of $40 remains unchanged It was stated in the resolution adopted by the fiscal court that the licenses were dOe July 1 and that a 20 per cent penalty would be applied thereafter lira Fred Pattjohn Rlnard OL write: your medlclnt la vary good balptd ho avar ao much much mora than anything I avar had Old Mohawk holpa ao nany who aro son tl pa ted baeauaa tho acuvo Insradienta Sulphate Magnesium Sodium Phoaphata Sodium Sal ley lata and Iron Cltrato aro recognised aa helpful in regulating tho bowels Persona with Ire bowal movement aro leai subject to disordered conditions of tho stomach and Intestines such aa Oas pains Sick Headache Biliousness and other aehey and painful nllmanta due to Constipation Old Mohawk anly 40 eeuta a betlla sold on Meaey-Baek Guarantee By mall add Ifa estra At Drag Steen While Bulphur Xr-vi Bureau WHERE TOURISTS WILL Members of the Lexington Good Will Club who this year will make their annual tour to White Sulphur Springs Va will be able to swim in the handsome pool pictured above The tourists will leave Lexington Sunday afternoon June 4 and will return Wednesday night June 7 While at the resort they will stay at the Greenbrier hotel FARM EMPLOYMENT SUU SuSOCCt Is SERVICE LAUNCHED jin LI ark Jail Alleged Estill Liquor-Law Violator To Face Official May 22 WINCHESTER Ky May 19 (Special) Arrested earlier in the day i on a whisky charge Stanley Griggs 31 of Estill county was placed in the Clark' county jail Thursday afternoon by federal agents and an Estill county officer A Hickey of Lexington and A Keeney of Covington federal alcohol-tax investigators and John Baber of Irvine said that Griggs was charged with possessing 15 gallons of moonshine whisky making mash on prohibited premises and carrying' on the business of distilling' Griggs who was held under $300 bond will be given an examining trial May 28 before United States Commissioner William Hays of Winchester Wider Street Sought The building committee will be asked to recommend reconsideration or a plan to widen Wall street at the rear of the Clark county courthouse Three service dub' presidents said Thursday that they would appoint committees Immediately to go into the matter The city and county once endorsed the street-widening sugges Ruddph Raney interviewer in the office of the Kentucky State Employment Service since November 1833 has been selected as farm placement interviewer according to a statement issued today by Edward Seghers manager The appointment marks the opening of a campaign to place farm workers in jobs during increased agricultural activity at tobacco-setting time Mr Seghers said During the next few weeks a program bringing farmers and oo coooomofc fusal to enjoin the lodge from can celling a lease on a movie house FRANKFORT Ky May 19 I held by the amusem*nt company The Court of Appeals affirmed nine and adjudging that Robert Enoch and reversed two lower court de- was entitled to 'the property) cisions today The opinions: Harrisor Rhodes vs Common-1 Suit AstiS Receiver wealth Harlan affirmed Judge Fulton (upholding life sentence upon conviction of murdering Willie (Skinny) Middleton also known as Willie Lankford) For llearst Company SAN FRANCISCO May 19 Appointed Lieqtenant Col Butler Briscoe chief of staff of the Kentucky military area announced today that Charles Simmons Potter 127 Sherman avenue had been appointed a second lieutenant in the Infantry section of the Officers' Reserve Corps He will be assigned to the 61st infantry located here 0033000000 an oo 4 trustee etc vs Owens et al Whitley affirmed Judge Thomas (upholding dismissal of Whitley Ham II Coe of Stoughton Mass county's petition for cancellation was on file in federal court today SlS'lSSmS) he acted on behalf of 1918 and 19Z5) stockholders He asked for return nd James Greenway et al I to the holding company of 2000000 va- B- 3- Irvine trustee etc Mad-1 shares of the company's common ison affirmed Commissioner Mor- stock which he said were held by ris (upholding order that John William Randolph Hearst Fifty-Crooke executor and trustee of four othe- defendants were named Elizabeth Irvine's will be allowed to continue the trust) exercise of his licstions Corporation was insolvent Trial Delayed Until Tuesday Testimony Is Completed In Montgomery Case Judge Adjourns Court MT STERLING Ky May IB Special) Evidence was completed Thursday in the trial of Milford Keith on a charge of storehouse breaking but Judge Daniel Caudill continued the case until Tuesday morning The defendant was accused of breaking into the Kelley' True store at the corner of Locust and Maysville streets and taking several articles Evidence offered by the state included a pair of dice which came from a peanut machine in the store and fingerprints which were secured from beneath the lid of the broken peanut machine Keith swore that he got the dice in the regular manner by inserting coins in the appara- tus Major witness for the commonwealth was Jesse Neal city patrolman who was instrumental in Keith's arrest and in securing the fingerprints Attorney Reid Prewitt challenged the state's testimony as to the fingerprints and Introduced Franklin Reynolds member of the International Association for Identification who said he would be unable to esatbltsh Identity from the series of fingerprints used The case will be argued ana given to the jury Tuesday morning Memorial Service Members of the local bar association have scheduled memorial services at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday morning for the late Henry Prewitt former circuit Judge and prominent jurist The services will be held in the circuit court room with Judge Edward O'Rear of Frankfort delivering the principal address Resolutions drafted by the local bar will be read Named Delegate Mrs Kell Guy McNamara Montgomery county superintendent of schools has been chosen as one of Kentucky's five delegates to the 10th annual conference of state school officers which will be held in June at the George Peabody College for Teachers at Nashville Tenn Five delegates from eacn of the 15 other states will attend the conference Shower Planned The Somerset Christian church will give a miscellaneous shower Saturday afternoon for Miss Evelyn Meacham bride-elect The shower will be given at the home of Mrs Lee on the Maysville road Montgomery Briefs Miss Thelma Charles will spend the week-end in Morehead as a guest of bliss Christine Johnson and Miss Virginia Johnson A tea given in Versailles Thursday was attended by the following persons from Mt Sterling Mrs Sal-lie Bridges White Mrs Pierce Winn Mrs Roger Barnes Mrs Sal-lie Reppert Mrs John McCormick and Mrs Hunt Priest Mrs Robertson of Morristown Temu is visiting relatives here Mr anl Mrs John Demaree have been in Cincinnati this week Mrs Oldham is visiting Mr and Mrs John Tyler at Winchester Mrs Anderson Bogie is visiting her daughter Mrs Robert McCarty in Louisville Mrs Samuel Holliday has returned from Atlanta Ga where she visited her daughter Mrs Thelma Rogers Mrs Harry Seabright has concluded a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs Lawrence Fassett and has returned to her home at Charleston Va Mr and Mrs Tonkin have returned from a trip to Topeka Kail accompanied by their guest Mrs Samuel Walter of Bellevue Ohio Mr and Mrs Perry Flora Sy have returned from a stay of A suit asking appointment of a re- ceiver for Hearst Consolidated Publications Inc brought by Wil- from its Inception It asked that further payment of dividends to Hearst on the stock block said to be worth $45000000 be restrained Revival In Progress What is a Christian" will be the subject of a sermon by Gaddis evangelist Saturday night at the Calvary Holiness church 514 Mason pastor announced Guardian Life Insurance Co of America vs Mrs Delia Robison Jefferson affirmed Judge Ratliff (upholding Mrs Robison's right to recover double Indemnity under a $2000 Insurance policy issued on I life of her husband Henry David Robison) Rosa Crittenden vs Martha I Rogers Livingston affirmed Judge JfafBfffhf JV B'uefar mitm Id It has dozens of famous Norge features It has exclusive Steam Scaler Damp Dryer (Lovell-built) quick emptying drain Auto-built transmission Modernize your laundry at low cost Ask about our special combination price for the W-40 Washer and RO-20 Ironcrl Thomas (upholding decision that west Short street where a revival Miss Rogers has a right to redeem i nroeresa property left by her brother I Rogers which was sold at master ervices will be held Sun commissioner's sale) I Sunday morning the subject Sudia Wooton Hensley vs wiU Holy sPirit in Lewis Leslie reversed Judge Ful- demption" and at 2:30 o'clock Sun-ton (setting aside trial court judg- afternoon file text will be ment holding that Lewis does not I God Command to Every Chris-have any land of Mrs Hensley in I tian- Sunday night the subject his possession) 1 will be "Life's Greatest Events" Standard Oil Co vs John Cheek The Moses Sisters will sing at each Johnson reversed Judge Fulton eervice The revival will continue (setting aside award of $1000 to through next week the Rev prospective employees together at the Kentucky State Employment Service will be stressed Mr Seghers declared Mr Raney was well-qualified for the position because he had lived in the Blue-grass all his life and in Lexington since 1910 After returning from active duty in the World War he attended Berea College specializing in agriculture for three years His experience before joining the employment service included work in tobacco grain and livestock Beginning May 29 the offices at 109 Esplanade will be open on Monday Wednesday and Friday of each week from 5 to 6:30 a in order that farmers may obtain qualified help without delay during rush seasons of the agricultural year Mr Seghers said In announcing Mr Raney's appointment Mr Seghers stated: "It is the desire of the state and Washington offices that this program be stressed in this community at this time since Lexington has been selected as the model office from which such activity may be inaugurated We are looking forward to being of real service to the farmer in finding qualified farm labor for him at the time when he most needs it There is no fee charged to either employer or employee and the employment service does not set the rate of pay Wages are to be agreed upon by the employer and the worker" several months in Florida -Miss LaVerne Stokley visited her nephew John Young of Simpson-ville Thursday Mrs Miller An derson left this week for San Francisco to attend the Fair Mr and Mrs Tipton have returned to New Orleans La after visiting friends and relatives here Bourbon Woman Dies PARIS Ky May 19 Mrs Hattie Hammons 72 widow of Lafe Hammons died at 6 o'clock today at the home of her son George Hammons at Centerville after a long illness Funeral services will be held a 2 o'clock Saturday at the Centerville Methodist church the Rev Gardner officiating Burial will be in the Jacksonville cemetery in Bourbon county The body was removed to the Davis funeral home where it will remain until the hour of services tion but were unable to decide which should finance the project and the matter was dropped It was said that contractors hwl estimated the cost of widening the narrow street negligible as the sidewalk was being torn up to be replaced by a new one Those Interested in seeing the plan carried out said that the results would facilitate traffic movement and complete a beautifying program at the courthouse Band Gives Program Louis Friedman director and several members of the Winchester high school band presented a program today at a meeting of the Winchester Rotary Club at restaurant Clock Is Fixed A nest delayed the repairing of a street chime clock here When workmen were called to fix the clock several weeks ago they found that a nest had been built inside the huge clock The workers waited until the eggs hatched aand the little birds flew away Then they fixed the dock Program Given Pupils in Fannie Bush elementary school on North Main street pre sented a program of songs and recitations Thursday night and will repeat the performance tonight Miss Fannie Bqsh principal said Proceeds will go to the Community Club 12 To Study Medicine And Dentistry At Ten students or former students of the University of Kentucky have been accepted In the freshman class of the University of Louisville School of Medicine and two in the college's School of Dentistry it was announced today The medical students include George Roberts Frankfort Earl Oliver Evansville Ind Wendell Lyon Hopkinsville Francis Halcomb Franklin David Dorton Jr Paintsville Walter Coe Erlanger Ira Arnold Jr Owenton Louis Aaron Russell Springs Champ Ligon Lexington and Earl Boyce Jones Burning Springs Paul Ross Vanceburg and Raymond Carty Pineville have been accepted In the School of Dentistry (Pliny Cor Main and Broadway coming fat obllpt'ion new CONSERVADOR to tell your friend to "JP PoWlefa tht If plans now afoot are carried to completion the old Morton school building Short and Walnut streets will be demolished this fall and a new building will be constructed for use by Scars Roebuck and Company William Pettit who recently purchased the property from the city board of education today confirmed rumors that negotiations had been instituted but stressed the facts that plans were only In a formative stage that no lease had been signed with Sears and that he had extended the lease the county health department from July 1 to Sept 1 in order that the department would not be compelled to move until its new building on North Upper street is completed Mr Pettit said definite plans had not been made as to the exact size and cost of any building he might construct on the Morton site but that a part of the site would be used for parking space Sears leases the store rooms it now occupies at 213-219 East Main street from Mr Pettit Fiscal Court Changes Liquor-License Rate The Fayette Fiscal Court at a meeting Thursday afternoon at the courthouse adopted a resolution raising the license fee for stores selling liquor by the package from $350 to $450 and lowering the license for sale of liquor by the drink from $550 to $500 License for the sale of beer $50 will re main unchanged The changes were made to conform with changes made recently by the city since the county al- Don't ffc lb tottun Mi itching ikia anofh body art covered barn itch inf akia nofbcr Jay your wit burning itching ikia foot ringworm cr ocher fuagu akin Infection don't five up hope! When everythin rite TIHSX ten ex crate la the deep ikia byera in reach tho He Eaey to apply No bandage Thouaand of grateful aatUfied inert bade if fir bottle doems't fa you up Don't delayl Get truatwortby TCNI dey at your mruggietl Far Salo Al PHOENIX DKITO INC -TENEX Eight different mod eft Priced from $13995 to $24995 See Actual Radio Sanitary i EasYout Meat Sot LEXINGTON HOUSEWIVES PHILCO has developed a new revolutionary electric refrigerator with an amazing patented shelf-lined inner door that gives extra capacity marvelous convenience double front space added economy plua every other worth-while refrigerator feature If you are in the market now we have a special One Week Offer If you come in anyway There ia no obligation to buy Juat come in and lyu tfeirtbisaaaL Phone 936 Mousse With the ahelf-lined lunar door the foods yon usa moat ara always right at your fingertips oaay to sea aaay to reach aaay to put away Tht apaca occupied by the inner door ia usually wasted why Conservador holds mora food If saves electricity because the inner door keepe cold air in warm air out Cheek for personal Injuries) Elmer Stevie et al vs Joseph Stevie Kenton affirmed Judge Stites (upholding cancellation of endorsem*nt of Joseph Stevie on a note executed to the Bank of Commerce and Trust Co Cincinnati for $15000 by Joseph Stevie John Stevie George Stevie Elmer Stevie and Francis Hoover) Fanny Fish's executrix vs Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co Boyd Judge Stites (upholding chancellor's opinion there was no ambiguity as to the effective date of life insurance policy held by Barnett Fish beneficiary of which was Fanny Fish his wife) Cumnock-Reed Company vs Lewis and Cumnock-Reed Company vs Gilvin Leslie affirmed in both cases Commissioner Sims (upholding award of $650 to Gilvin and $40605 to Lewis as due them for manufacturing timber Into staves) Schwartz Amusem*nt Co Inc et al vs Independent Order of Odd Fellows Howard Lodge No 15 Shelby affirmed Commissioner Sims (upholding trial re- BABY CHICKS At'JZ'X I and this mki bast ass mat bread a approved Oat price Kentucky Hatchery in Fourth Street Lezlnston Kentucky Had owner RINS05 LONGER-LASTING SUDS SPEED UP DISHWASHING AND I FIND RINSO IS EASY AS EVER ON HANDS Hd ON TOP OF THE WORLD 1 the NEW RINSO WASHES CLOTHES A WHITER WHITE A BRIGHTER SAFELY tM SHOUTING FOR JOY THE NEW RICHER RINS0 gives 20R3 TIMES AS MUCH SUDS AS MANY BAR AND PACKAGE SOAPS I'VE USED IN OUR HARO WATER SEE THE -EXCLUSIVE-D IFFERENT-PATENTED CONSERVADOR ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR SAVES SAVES SPACE SAVES MONEY -Vav ik-eff RINSO DISSOLVES mflLASH AND PREVENTS THE WATER SCUM THAT GREYS CLOTHES '(DULLS COLORS mt Lid NOT NOT JUST A BUT THE MAKERS OF S3 WASHING MACHINES RECOMMEND RINSO I GOME IN 3 SIZES-r REGULAR LARGE AND GIANT Plus EVERY OTHER REFRIGERATOR FEATURE: euro OTamD fEUH iut (mtf)o cnn Sliding shelves Vegetable crisper Fruit backet Dry Quiet bemeficaUr typo cold conttoL parcolcdn evaporator lee cub trays storage compartment Removable shell ceded utt in Our Window! Demonstration RINSO SOAKS CLOTHES CLEAN IN AS LITTLE AS 10 MINUTES NO HARD SCRUBBING MEANS CLOTHES LAST LOTS LONGER! ttnsogoes tan over 16 tenths the SSLEseo- money i smaiwmTffiams rfi KBbSBi.

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Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.