The Californian from Salinas, California (2024)

20 11.0 p.m, J. only, 187 cone InG. in- plus in 10 10 a I 3 2 Sept. 29, 1973 Business Opportunities 23 FOR SALE: De- nut Bakery Main BARBER SHOP. Gond Low overhead.

Must 4050 BEAUTY SHOP for sale modern included, Lane. 424.3719/449.2182 BY OWNERS LONG ESTABLISHED HIGHLY PROFITABLE Pizza Parlor An unusual oppertunity, Contact: Dan Lavorato 218 E. Gabilan Street HI THERE INTERESTED developing Business that partner preven investment than least of your ther information, Morgan Hill, collect. 46 p.m. ON-SALE MONTEREY COUNTY LIQUOR LICENSE Clean Phone MONTEREY 372-9750 11 A.M.

to 5 P.M. Misc. for Sale 25 a BOLEX, MOVIE CAMERA 16 triple lens, accessories. 150 Sherwood Drive Sp, 28 after 4 pm. FANTASTIC BARGAINI Culligan water softener: girls speed bike.

Arcadia Cir19408 cie. THE MAN'S Store For cheaper prices on new and used furniture. Kersch's, 298 E. Market Street. WE BUY AND SELL used freezers refrigerators.

Call 424-9119 daily, til noon Saturday. 40 ELECTRIC RANGE, excel. lent condition. also range hood, both $125, 449-5101 after 5, 5 p.m., weekends. SCHOOL INSTRUMENT.

Alto saxophone with case. Excel. lent condition. Make offer. 449-7508.

SECTIONAL COUCH, 9 12' shag rue. dinette set. All cellent condition, Reasonable. 758-0378. GARAGE SALE Plumas Way, Saturday.

Stroller; infant backpack; chest, doors: welder, toys. STORAGE SHEDS for sale, all sizes. Reasonable prices. Also children's playhouses 6x8. 424- 9993 after 6 VACUUM CLEANERS $9.95 up.

Hoses, bags, parts, repairs for all makes. Kirby Sales Service, 32 W. Gabilan. GARAGE SALE: 322 Noice Drive. Saturday, September 29.

10-6. Large assortment. DELLA WILL PURCHASE your used furniture and appliances. 422-8487 or 758-4319. 1942 PASSENGER BUS -Parts scrap only, $100 or carbine rifle or Phone 758-4205.

LIONEL- FLYER trains wanted. Instant cash, 688-9278. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. KENMORE ELECTRIC washer dryer, good condition, 422-0561. WE BUY used furniture and pliances.

Young's Bargain Center, 669 E. Mkt. 422-5468. METAL TOOLBOX for stepside pickup, 8 months old, locks, $80. 455-1991.

WATER BED. king size with heater and sheets. $225. 449. 7405 or 449-2429.

17.6 G.E. refrigerator, 10 months old, avocado, self defrosting. $275 cash. 484-9452 evenings. GARAGE SALE Friday thru Sunday, 9am.

344 Bardin Road. Miscellaneous. TO ROLA COMMERCIAL Communications radio. base and mobile unit. 449-0800.

SMALL GOLD VELVET divan, $75, odd chairs, miscellaneous. 449-0109. Clarinet and case, very good condition, $125 or best offer. Phone 455-1779. '64 VW engine; '70 Suzuki 500 Chevrolet rims with tires.

422-9257 after 7pm. ELECTRIC VIBRATOR Lounge Chair! Sheraton Needlepoint seat Chair, $60 each, 758-3173. WING BACK love seat, green print, excellent condition $65. 424-6945. 422-7750.

GRAND PIANO, Howard- Baldwin, long. 'Very good condition. 1-637-7251. RADIALS HR 70-14, 6-ply top line, new, $45 ea, 424-6451. 6' STEREO: dishwasher; A coffee end tables.

758-1933. 21" COLOR TV. $75. very good color. Call 455-1703.

1973 Misc. for Sale 25 QUICK SALE 4 Used 50. sell SOP Nichole Alter FOR SALE 449-7424, Laurel UNFINISHED FURNITURE LARGEST SELECTION around different factories to choose frOm. PriceS Market MOVING SALE, Like new GE Ge Cart writer Circle recorder skates aquarium $10 mower RIFLE athietic for EURE Sport 979 North MaIn. 422-1461.

REMINGTON 1148 Automatic. -Sears Model 900 with polichoke. tilated 9130. Call Al derson before 1. 668-3044.

CAMPER SHELL for bed paneling cabinets Clearance lights 8225 or offer. 756-4718. COUCH- Desk, chest of drawers for child's TV cabinet and Book Case Wall unit, Ph. 449-4072, WE GOT IT ANTIQUES USED Unfinished ture. Kersch 298 E.

Street. stove, white. new, 11.000 BTU Coldspet air conditioner, excellent con. dition, $150. Antique Irenrite ironer 540.

449-8731, ANTIQUE TABLES. new Berk line couch, one electric and one gas range, good sewing machine, Many miscellaneous. 469-5081. YAMAHA Guitar. months old, complete China Set, place settings, Sell or trade for good used upright piano, 449-0137, USED D.

TYPEWRITERS and Adding Guaranteed. Wallace Office Machine 44 San Miguel Avenue (Val. ley Center) 422-3707. SEWING MACHINE SALE Full size dressmaker, only $48, console cabinet $26. Salinas Sewing Center, 242 Main, 422-3715.

WURLITZER SPINET ORGAN -Model 4100. French Provine cial, with spectra tone net, Priced to sell, Call 422- 8990. AIRLINE STEREOPHONIC high fidelity record player with twin speaker. Also 27 Western records included $40. 758-0042.

SEE- THROUGH LOUVRED awning with posts. 40x8'. like new. Cost $775, Will sell for $350. 424-2769.

COMPLETE SET of men's golf clubs, new, $80; 10 gal, aquar ium complete with fish and stand $35. Call 675-2538. SPANISH LIVING ROOM fur. 2 niture, blue high-backed chairs, Gas fireplace logs, Twin bed. 422-0925.

GOODYEAR tires. most new $30 each. Manual camper jacks $50. 663-3638 After 6 pm. CHROME RIMS and tires.

fits Ford, Dodee and Interna. tional $70. Call 11 after 5:30, 449-2298. MORSE FOTOMATIC 111 zig. zag sewing machine, Never used.

$125 or best offer, 449. 6420. VACUUM CLEANERS $9.95 up. Hoses. parts, repairs for all makes.

Kirbv Sales Service. Gabilan. METAL DETECTORS- White's dealer. Sales, rentals. Archery (across from Sears) 422-2967.

LETTER PRESS. C. P. 10x15 plus type, stands etc. UD box, metal, $50.

Ph. 4072. COUCH, CHAIR. green, 2 end tables, Youth bed, white, new mattress. $45.

424-9100 after 6. TIRE SALE-premium recaps $11; good used tires, $4 up. Shaw's Texaco, Airport and Tervin. COMPLETE BEDROOM set (less bed), large walnut table, Orly 10-speed bike. Call after 5, AIR COMPRESSORS -New and Used.

service all makes. Rogers Sales Service. 309 W. Market, 424-2769. LIKE NEW 10 7 metal shed $75.

See at 255 Bolivar Lamplighter Mobile Home Park. SPANISH SOFA and Love Seat; 175. CZ Trail Bike, Phone 449- 3423 or 758-0755. Santa Lucia Garage UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Complete automotive, truck, wheel-tractor. and small crawler repair.

Low Rates, Free safety checks and esti. mates. Se Habla Espanol. Alfred Migotti 343 W. Market 424-4333 FIGHT THE HIGH COST OF START YOUR OWN GARDENHONDA WILL HELP YOU! HONDA F-28 ROTOTILLER CLOSING OUT! E-400 Watt and E-900 Watt GENERATORS AVAILABLE NOW AT SALINAS IMPORTED MOTORS CYCLES 125 Monterey St.

424-1157 Misc. for Sale 25 GOOD BUYS FOR speed 845 SAD ANTIQUE SALE Armoires, mantle cure topped PrE Aise Other Sal Sum Cannery LUCAS INSTANT LAWN CO. Grown, weed free sod gives you an instant Call now all Our specialty for full information, 449.5551 MONDAY-FRIDAY AM 4 PM GONDOLAS DISPLAY COUNTERS Showroom almost Off white, different numerous shelves. Cost fast 12000. Also al effice desk, excellent 175.

May inspect 607 PADRE 449-5136 USED TYPEWRITERS Underwond er Reyal, Cempletely Guaranteed. PENINSULA OFFICE EQUIPMENT 217 Main Street Salinas. California TRAILER STORAGE Valley Travel Centre Hiway 101 at Russell Rd. 449-5438 Beautiful 4 pc. Bedroom Group A $398 value for only $188 or $10 per mo.

DE WORKENS WAREHOUSE SHOWROOMS 231 Main St. Salinas 758-3927 GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE 27 LA MIRADA COURT Friday, Saturday, 4 Sunday AM to PM Moving, must sell everything! Twin beds: dresser; duo bed set; bicycle: clothing: tools and hundreds of miscellaneous Items. RENT TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES CALCULATORS Rent with option to buy PENINSULA OFFICE EQUIPMENT 217 Main St. Salinas ALISAL CENTER BARBER SHOP As you the consumer in mind, we have the most reasonable rates for the best work. Serving you will be: Cliff Denney, Richard Schweitzer, and James Robert.

Saturday's- $2.50 WE ARE RIGHT BEHIND McDONALD'S NOW OPEN 'TIL -MIDNIGHTCome to pleasure point, have an expert masseuse relax, you. Massage and old cabin sauna. UTOPIA HEALTH HOUSE 1011 41st Santa Cruz 476-5757 ANTIQUES New shipment just arrived from Pennsylvania, Dressers; chairs; side board; rocking chair; mirrors; paintings: stained glass windows; roll top desks; piano stool; much, much, more! 442 El Camino Real No. FACTORY LAY AWAY SPECIAL Beautiful Mediterranean Color TV console, brand new. Last one at this price.

ONLY $499. 1-year parts, 8-yr. picture tube warranty. Easy payments. AL MARTIN'S TAXIDERMY 601 El Camino Real North 449-1300 or 449-0622 P.M.

SAT. P.M. SUN. 11-5 P.M. ANTIQUES SPECIAL Week Sale Only BIG DISCOUNTS! 3-roll top type bles; lots lamp; destsi, Toffeny.

of cut glass; nut parlor chairs; love seat; oak dining chairs; hall trees; side boards; oak dressers with mirrors. Sales start Sept. 26th thru Sept. 30th. 442 El Camino Real No.

449-8360 Mobile Homes 25-A Misc. for Sale 25 NEW ELECTRIC Victor Accine Machine $69.95 PENINSULA OFFICE EQUIPMENT 217 Main Street Salines, California A SPECIAL VALUE Spanish Sofa 4 Love Seat Beautiful feral Scotcheuard cover with end decorator lam pest value 815 per DE WORKENS WAREHOUSE SHOWROOMS 284 Main St. Salines 758-9927 Polyfoam Rubber (any Navy bell bottoms Sleeping beg covers Rubber rafts, coats Rainsuits, Tarps All kinds. Navy pea coats Army field jackets, boots. Overshoes, knee boots, Hunting boots Army low quarters, Loads of surplus- come Penneil also have HARDY'S SURPLUS 646 E.

Alisal Call 424-6631 Open MON. SAT. SUN. 106 PM CLOSE-OUT SALE DINETTE SETS from $39 Rebuilt Hide a beds from $119.95. Off freight dame age merchandise.

Box springs or matt. $19.95 Boston Rockers $24.50 Port. TV Brand New merchandise sold as is. Convenient Terms FURNITURE DISCOUNT HOUSE 607 E. Market Salinas OPEN DAILY "til 9 p.m.

SUNDAY 11-5 Mobile Homes 25-A Misc. for Sale 25 GARAGE STORAGE cabinets Help Wanted 21 IRRIGATION SALES seeRs expert: sharing Charge 19 Snelling A Kruse CAREER PLACEMENT AGENCY NO FEE 8800 -COST ANALYST FEE TYPIST BOOKKEEPER SALES GENL OFFICE PAYROLL CLK -BENCH TECH OUTSIDE SALES INVENTORY SEA -ACCOUNTANT 1187 N. Main, Suite PHONE 424-4676 OWNERS: Nancy Palmer Patricia M. Beck Monterey County is accepting applications tor Library Asst, I month Applicants should have the equivalent to completion the twelfth grade and year experience working with the public and performing general clerical tasks. Bilin.

sual and bicultural (Spanish English) persons are Tarly encouraged to apply. Apply by Tuesday. 1973 October Salinas, MONTEREY COUNTY PER. SONNEL OFFICE, County Courthouse, 2nd floor, new 424 ext. 284.

MON. TEREY, Branch Personnel Office, County Office Building 1200 Aquajito Rd. 372-7689. a.m.-1 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT An opening now exists for a piant maintenance superintendent for our Soledad ery. Responsibilities include: maintenance repair of all buildings, equipment and grounds.

Requirements are: thorough knowledge in the areas of refrigeration, boiler operation and maintenance, pumps and compressors, dustrial plant power distribution and lighting. industrial piping. welding. power trans. mission, lubrication, electron.

ic instrumentation and trol, industrial fire prevention and protection equipment and procedures, industrial tures, and of construction, Industrial water cooling systems, machine shop operation, Industrial safety standards. janitorial services and supplies, plant security systems, and me: chanical stores. Interested qualified parties should mit resumes in confidence. stating experience and salary requirements to: Paul Masson Vineyards, Personnel Dept. PO Box 97, Saratoga, Calif.

95070. Help Wanted, Sales 21-A you qualify, while attending training school. Equal oppor. tunity employer, Call 758-1076 for confidential interview. SALES- -floor coverings, draperies.

Career position for bitious successful salesman. Excellent pay and benefits. Will train, Apply Miller Masters, 571 E. Franklin, Monterey. PERSON WANTED To sist manager.

Opportunity. $170 per week, 758-1076. BRANCH MANAGER TRAINEE National' ance Co, needs 2 candidates for branch management position, $800 month Schools Instruction 22 RYDER Trains Truck Drivers Train on big diesel rigs, short home study followed by practical training at one of our giant training centers. Approved for Veterans. Ryder Technical Institute.

FOR LOCAL INFO CALL 758-1658 RYDER TECH. INST. 333 Salinas Suite 5 Salinas, California Home Off: Atlanta, GA. APPROVED FOR VET. ED.

Business Opportunities 23 FOR LEASE: Shamrock Inn, 497 El Camino Real. Phone 449-4541. FOR SALE LUNCH ROOM AND GOURMET SHOP Completely equipped kitchen, lunch room, and large store room. San Juan Bautista. For more information write Box SC 964 Californian Misc.

for Sale 25 BARGAIN COUNTER LINES-6 DAYS pl ALL ITEMS UNDER 850 GLASS DOOR "LIMIT 42. 8990. Upholstered chair 430. Gond SIAMESE Leach ed. Male, shots Sunbeam PR-16, See Katherine Siamese kittens weeks SIS after CURVED DESK Rome UsE TAPE deck.

50 Coun tapes. 449 5610. Maple dinette crib 4 matt hebre. 449 FLUFFY female pup will Free. GUPPIES tor sale 15c.

445-3466 or Vallejo, Walker male 4 male. 6 mos. 440. 718-3907. Doberman years old, gentle.

sit. Walnut Console new Philce Ford Car radio 449-2974 bed, comp. 11. Also dol. mattress 448-5162.

Chihuahua mos. 810 KENMORE vacuum attchments incl, $25. 445-6758. Motorcycle Helmets $10 each Gas Range, condition, Phone 149-7945, Couch, 3 chairs, tables, after 6 p.m. Poodle Terrier ea WAT.

Persian cat. 1. 424-9752. KENMORE automatic washer, works ok $25. 758-4712.

Head bowl bag sh's (5) 45, TWIN BEDS, complete, 469-5266 after p.m. Cadillac. FOOd for parts, trans, fairly new, $50, 10-GAL. Aquarium, compl stand, fish, $25. 489-2072.

CHILD'S SADDLE, $45. 663-3152. Misc. for Sale 25 8-flat Clarinet, like new. $85.

422-9250. TROPHIES, PLAQUES, silver. pewter, medals, Expert encraving Efficient service, Valley Archery (across from Sears). 422-2967. FIREPLACES We Can Screen Them Whatever the size or shape.

we can supply screens for your fireplace, Wide selection of styles and finishes. We tallor Firescreens to fit your home's decor Quickly and Reasonably. Free Meas. urement Appointments, obligation, Valley Center Hardware 820 S. Main, Salinas, 422-0845 NEW BABY CRIB $32 DE WORKENS WAREHOUSE SHOWROOMS 231 Main St.

Salinas 758-3927 TWO WHEEL UTILITY AND CAMPING TRAILER Camper can be removed and you would have a box utility. Equipped with radio, florescent lights, 2" foam mattress, 2 spare tires and wheels, all metal body and camper can be detached. MUST SELL THIS WEEKEND Ideal for small car or compact. $250 449.4870 SPACE CARPETS Incorporated 17920 Monterey St. MORGAN HILL, CA.

779-2512 1" Shag Installed FHA Approved High-Low Installed Direct shipment from the mills makes these bargains pos- QUALITY FURNITURE AT DISCOUNT PRICES BUNK BEDS Large selection. Solid Oak Maple, Also metal bunk beds. NEW SHIPMENT OF 3-D RELIGIOUS PICTURES Still $15 LAMPS Large selection at discount prices. FURNITURE 612 El Camino North Ph. 449-0949 "On the 101, 2-miles North of Northridge Shopping Center." Hours 9 A.M..

7 P.M., closed Tuesday. Mobile Homes 25-A 1973 MODEL YEAR END CLEARANCE 20' 51' 2-Bedroom 2-Bath (S-2617) Fiberglass tub shower, 14' dbl. door refrigerator, plumbed for washer, carpet, drapes, appliances. One Only--Terms to fit your budget $9,250 John Myers SALINAS VAL MOBILE HOMES Inc. 419 El Camino Real N.

319 E. Market St. 449-2205 OPEN EVENINGS 422-8227 shelf and door, 663 4911 9 12 LINOLEUMS $7.99 DE WORKENS WAREHOUSE SHOWROOMS 231 Main 1 St. Salines 758-3927 USED COLOR TV's 21 good MAGNAVOR. UNFAYH OLYMPIC sharp pict.

$124.95 CURTIS MATHES beaut, maple SYLVANIA PORTA. BLE. new pict. tu. $179.95 GAURS DICK'S TV Mobile Homes 25-A HOLIDAY HOUSE set 4 in adult park, bedrooms bathe, and family 100m, 6483 after $: 80 weekdays, time BEDROOM Champion.

Like 1965. Priced right and seller relocate to your site in this area. 424-5560 or 424-0083. MOBILE HOME SPACES for rent. Reasonable rates, ideal location, 50) Green Valley Road Ext.

Watsonville, Calif. 722-6766. 1969 12x60 BROOKWOOD Mo. bile home bedroom, air cooler, insulate with small equity, Phone 678-3428. 24x60 MOBILE HOME, skirting, deck.

bedrooms, 2 bathe Family park. 449-5921. 424-0081. sell or rent. bed.

rooms, baths. adult park. $4.700 or $140 month, 424-7955 after 8pm. FURNISHED 12x60 Mobile Home, skirts and awnings. Set up in Family Park.

$4,500. Call 449-5518. 10x50 SPARTAN 2 bedroom. Call 679-2439 20x50 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME. $5200 or offer.

722-2123. WESTLAKE 1973 12'x52' 5-2437 1 bedroom, lived in months. has skirting. Small down ment-EZ payments. $5,500 Located at MIDTOWNE PARK Shown by Manager.


424-0081 Open 7 Days a Week and Evenings For Your Buying Pleasure! Dan's MOBILE SALES, INC. HOME LOOK LOOK LOOK ONE YEAR FREE RENT AT RANCHO SALINAS Adult park, with swimming pool, recreation room, therapeutic pool. Subject to management approval. With purchase of any mobile home from Dan's. (Limited offer) 24' 60' CHAMPION 3 BR 24' 64' BROADMORE 2 BR Carpet throughout.

Park required skirting awning. Family room, wet bar, dishwasher, garbage disposal, One year's free rent lovely carpeting throughout, wired plumbed for (S1637) Only. $12,995 washer dryer (S0311) Only. $15,495 DAN'S MOBILE HOME SALES, INC. 589 HIGHWAY 101 NORTH 449-0811 State of California Contractor's License No.

271851 449-1301 Mobile Homes 25-A 1965 FLEETWOOD one bedroom, partially furnished. Nicely landscaped in adult part 83000. 449 9889. YOU are the Salesmen PASO MOBILES MOBILE HOME SALES 201 Spring Pose Robles 1972 VAN DYKE MOBILE HOME 20.43 2 bedroom, Wall carpets, drapes, Ang and deck included. Set family park.

Assume and equity. 449-6362 or 424-6471 ask for Roy 12160 EASTERN BUILT bedroom deluxe mobile home, Air conditioner, skirting, extra insula Set up in family park $6495. down. Excellent terms, 20 RUSSELL RD. SP.

104 445-8382. 449-3845 RETIREMENT HOME Monterey Bay Area. 2 bedroom plans with outstanding recreation center. Mild chin mate, FROM $20,950 Write or call for free brochure PAJARO VILLAGE Adult Community 738 Bronte Avenue WATSONVILLE, CA 95076 Tel. 722-9686 C5LB No.

251561 Equal Housing Opportunity METEOR 1972 S-8841 3 BEDROOM, BATH, Spanish decor. 2 awnings and skirting. Small down and take over payments of $88.14. Space LAMPLIGHTER FAMILY PARK 449-2205 Dir. LAKEWOOD 2 -FAMILY ROOM Situated in a secluded adult park 5 minutes from Northridge Shopping Beautifully landscapedawaiting your personal touch Spectacular view lots Privacy, comfort, security Discover it for yourselfCall us this afternoon Collect 375-2613 MURRAY VOUT, INC.

MOBILE HOMES Offices: Washington Pearl Monterey Serving the Peninsula since 1929 Boats 25-B FIBERGLASS. 80 son, fish, ski boat, hp trolling motor, excellent dition, $1200. down, owner will carry) or trade for older crawler tractor with blade. Call Dave, 424-5001. MERCURY SAILBOAT 18'.

Excellent condition. a il trailer. etc. 424-7368 or 758- 4852 after 5. 14' FIBERGLASS BOAT 70 Mercury, excellent tion.

Call after 5 p.m., 449-1407 FISHERMAN'S SPECIAL! Brand new 20' Chrysler Commando off shore fishing boat. Sold at dealer wholesale cost. Reg. price $3195, our cost price $2253. Easy payments available.

AL MARTIN'S TAXIDERMY 601 El Camino Real North 449-1300 or 449-0622 MON. P.M. SAT. SUN. 11-5 P.M.

Used Boats Accessories 13' Boat, motor and trailer $195 complete 16' Boat $75 14' Wood Duck Boat trailer $125 Two slightly used Ray Jefferson depth finders, model 50700 $100 ea, AL MARTIN'S TAXIDERMY 601 El Camino Real North 449-1300 or 449-0622 MON. P.M. SAT. P.M. SUN.

11-5 P.M. Farm Products 26 TOMATOES- PICK. 10c lb. Very nice. Insecticide free.

Zabala Road. 422-0261. DELICIOUS APPLES! 975 San Miguel Canyon Watson- ville. Bring containers. APPLES FARMER TO YOU ripened Red Delicious, Newton Pippin and other varieties.

lb. by the box. Also "Pik-Yor-Sef" apples homemade natural apple juice. Hwy 1 to Watsonville, take Riverside Dr. (Hwy.

129) off ramp. Go 3 miles, left on Lakeview right at Carlton Rd. to 55 Peckham Rd. Daily 9-6. Bring containers.

HOW SWEET IT IS! SWEET CORN "Delicious" Tomatoes String Beans. Other vegetables, you pick. All grown here at 221 River Road. Open daily 9-7. Will stay open until end of Novem.

ber. Please bring containers if you pick. Farm Products 26 TOMATOES, FRESH picked, college student Now selling Big Red Barn Sun days only TOMATOES YOU PICK Vegetable Zabala Road 9 A.M. 30 P. closed Mons days CANNING TOMATOES.

per box. Bring container. His and Hers Farms, Amesti Road, Watsonville SOFA. Farm Equipment 27 FOR SALE OF 428 cu. in.

Ford L.P.G 1600 G.P.M booster Call after P.M., 675-2626. 449-5642. PUMPS MOTORS 25 and 30 HP with 650 GPM Johnson turbine pumps. Com. piete $800.

Write J. R. McManus, 417 Ave. G. Apt.

E. Redoride Beach, CA 90277 for details. Private party, and take Garden, Plant Needs 28 BOLENS -Shredders. GrindChoppers. Garden Trace tars, Mowers 4 tachments, Parts, Engines, etc, Wood Splitter Chain Saws WEBBS Santa Cruz 475-1029 5.381 Did Sequel San Jose Rd.

5 miles North of Sequel Open Daily except Sunday Pets, Livestock 29 LONE OAK STABLE New Owner, horses boarded 145 month for stall with dock: sis month for corral. 376 Natividad Road, 449-6425. BEAUTIFUL half Arab yearl. ine, filly by AURAB: chest. nut wonderful disposition.

Shown on weekends only, Walker Valley Rd. RAISE YOUR OWN meat FEES, Baby chicks now avail. able at Salinas Feed Seed. 13 E. Market, corner of California.

IRISH SETTERS: AKC regis. tered puppies. $100. See 213 Oak Street or 424-2187 additional information. HORSES BOARDED Separa ate stalls and corrals.

Arena and round sand corral, Phone 424-5560. AKC MINIATURE Poodles, males, I female, Apricot, tails trimmed. 6 weeks, $50 to $75. 758-3496. BEAUTIFUL, LOVABLE Pure white Samoyed-Husky, puppies for sale.

$50 to good homes, 624-0803 evenings (Carmel). FOR SALE: 2 beautiful friend. ly Irish Setters, 1 3 years old. Need large yard. shots.

1-637-3775. Hollister, AKC DOBERMAN PINCHER, female, 3 months old. lent pedigree. Reasonable. 663-2818.

ARAB foal registered, good blood line, E0od for show horse. Call 372-2060. AKC REGISTERED co*ckER Spaniel puppies, 8 weeks old, 6 black, 2 buff. 445-1746. PHEASANTS AND Different varieties, PROACOCHE: 2860.

WANTED: good used adult Western saddle and bridle. Must be reasonable. 663-4642. PALOMINO GELDING, years old, $200; If interested call 449-3079 after 5 pm. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD pup.

pies, male, thoroughbred, $50 up. 372-4630. HAND TOOLED WESTERN saddle, Good condition. Price is right! Call 449-2613 after 5. MARES, quarter dapple, years $350: Sorrel morgan years $200.

424-6165. BERNARD male, 18 months old, all shots, rust colored. 1-678-3705, YEAR OLD Palomino mare. Good for teenager and older. $200 with tack, 633-3255.

BERNARD PUPPIES. AKC, beautiful markings, to $100. Phone Morgan Hill. 779-4738. REGISTERED Beagle Puppies.

13" 5-weeks old. Phone 663-2306. MORGAN QUARTER HORSEBay Gelding, Phone 663-3467. HORSE BACK RIDING EXCURSION TRAIL RIDES. Western trails in beautiful hills.

Also horses boarded, bought and sold. Trail rides 2:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 2-hour ride $5. Good trail horses.

PETE TRAVIS STABLES 503. MONTEREY HWY. Salinas 455-1624 Wants of All Kinds 31 INDIAN BASKETS WANTED, also Navajo rugs; jewelry; artifacts. Cash paid by collector. 1-624-1663.

Rooms for Rent 35 VACANCYS men and women private or semi private, licensed. 24 hour supervision, reasonable rates, Watsonville Manor, 311 Montezito, 724-1732. ROOMS FOR RENT: 2 rooms available in new home. $75 and $100 month. All modern facilities available.

449-2666, after 5. CABANA HOLIDAY MOTELweekly rates. Kitchenette, heated pool, laundry. Children welcome. 663-2886.

LARGE COMFORTABLE rooms. TV. aid service, morning coffee. Weekly rates. 449-1540.

KITCHENETTES and sleeping nightly, weekly or monthly. Winter rates. TV's in each room. 663-2638. WESTWIND MOTEL--APART.

MENTS. Kitchen cottages. Weekly rates. 611 South Abbott. Phone 424-8739.

SLEEPING ROOM for rent. Has TV. Man preferred. 449. 3042.

STAY AT THE NEW FRONTIERTOWN INN Enjoy the convenience and entertainment at the Longbranch Steak and Saloon. 70 Deluxe units; standard, queen, king size beds. Room starting at $10 night or $37.50 week. Some Kitchenettes. Color cable TV, se phones.

Truck parking available, 425 N. MAIN. 424-6413. Apartments for Rent 37 2 BEDROOM unfurnished apartment at 1114 South Main. $150 month.

No children. 422-0652 or 659-2373. LARGE UNFURNISHED 1-Bedroom apartment, near Valley Center, adults only, $120 month. Call 424-7533. DELUXE ONE BEDROOM furnished a part ment, $150.

Adults. No pets. Phone 422- 5056. DELUXE 2 bedroom, carpets, drapes, electric kitchen, bal. cony.

$190, $195. 422-9113, 484- 1450. AVAILABLE NOW-1-Bedroom or studio furnished apartments. Tahitian Village, 976 W. Alisal, 422-4367.

ADAMS MOTEL and kitchenettes. 496 EI Camino Real North. 449-2920. Nightly and weekly rates. APARTMENT, MOTEL.

nightly Kitch- and weekly rates. $30. up, 633-2502, Castroville. AVAILABLE NOW: 2 bedroom apartments, furnished or unfurnished. Tahitian Village, 976 West Alisal.

422-4367. FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM Apartment. 2 child ok. and garbage. $180.

675-3097. ONE BEDROOM partly furnished apartment. $130, $50 deposit. Call 449-1635. ONE BEDROOM APT.

No pets. One small child. 449-0653. At- 199 and for 40 00 ST. 15 ST.


The Californian from Salinas, California (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Views: 6177

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Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.