What Made Warren Buffett So Successful? (2024)

Who is your guru when it comes to compound interest and long-term value investing? How about the "Oracle of Omaha," Warren Buffett? He uses an approach to business and investing that hinges on looking beyond short-term fluctuations and focusing on the intrinsic value of a company. This strategy has been central to his accumulation of wealth, making him one of the richest individuals in the world.

Buffett's success has been driven not just by his investment choices but also by his philosophy of patience, discipline, and an unshakeable belief in his core principles.

Can anyone follow his lead? Not simply by following Buffett's investment patterns they can’t. His real triumph lies in his early start in the world of finance and his commitment to continuous learning. He understood the benefit of financial knowledge from a young age and has since emphasised the importance of mentorship and guided learning for business success. By seeking advice from seasoned investors and staying committed to his goals, Buffett demonstrates the impact of having a clear vision for the future.

There's a valuable lesson in Buffett's journey for anyone running their own business. In an economic climate where short-term gains often overshadow long-term planning, Buffett's example shows us the significance of setting long-term goals and visions.

The success of any business venture greatly improves with mentorship, where experienced guidance can help navigate the complex business environment. By adopting a long-term perspective similar to Buffett's and valuing mentorship, small business owners can foster enduring growth and success.

Who Is Warren Buffett?

Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is widely regarded as one of the greatest investors of all time. Buffett made the bulk of his fortune through smart investments, starting from a young age. Although he is a self-made billionaire he is best known for his wit, wisdom, and down-to-earth investment philosophy.

He has a knack for distilling complex investment concepts into simple, memorable advice. As I’m writing this, his wealth is estimated to be more than $135 billion by Forbes.

Early Life and Education

Warren Buffett, born in Omaha, Nebraska, was business savvy from a young age. He bought his first stock at age 11 and filed his first tax return at age 13, claiming a $35 deduction for a bicycle. All this bravery and experimenting laid the groundwork for a journey that would see him become one of the world’s leading investors.

Influence of Benjamin Graham

At the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and then at Columbia University, Buffett was deeply influenced by economist Benjamin Graham. Known as the father of value investing, Graham's philosophy of looking for undervalued stocks with intrinsic worth became the cornerstone of Buffett's investment strategy. Buffett not only absorbed Graham's teachings but also worked directly with him, which honed his approach to investing. Completing his education at Columbia with a Master of Science in economics, Buffett's formative academic experiences were pivotal in shaping his future successes, not so much by what he learned, but by the connections he made and the mentorship he found.

Investment Philosophy and Strategy

Warren Buffett's distinctive investment philosophy and strategy are tied to the fundamentals of value investing and an unwavering long-term perspective.

He says, "Success in investing doesn't correlate with IQ … what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing."

Value Investing and Understanding Intrinsic Value

Buffett adheres to the value investing principles pioneered by Benjamin Graham that look for stocks that are undervalued in the market compared to their intrinsic value, often assessing a company’s long-term potential rather than short-term market trends.

A company's true worth is based on its assets, earnings, dividends, and financial strength. The idea is that the market will eventually realise the intrinsic value of these undervalued stocks, leading to returns that compound over time

Long-Term Focus

While most business owners are looking for fast cash (you get plenty of bragging rights when your bank account doubles overnight), Warren Buffett's investment approach favours long-term growth. He has incredible patience and trust in the power of compounding—a principle that suggests that even modest gains add significant value over long periods. He often invests with the intention of holding stocks indefinitely, weathering market fluctuations and concentrating on sustained performance.

How Mentorship Created Billions

Having a mentor in business can be incredibly valuable. Warren Buffett's success story provides a powerful example of how mentorship can shape a career and lead to unparalleled achievements.

In the business world, where challenges and uncertainties abound, having a mentor can be a key differentiator in achieving success and making informed, ethical decisions.

Buffett often credits much of his own success to his mentor, Benjamin Graham, their business relationship illustrates several key aspects of how mentorship can play a crucial role in business success:

1. Knowledge Transfer

Buffett learned the principles of value investing from Graham, including the concept of "intrinsic value" and the importance of investing with a margin of safety. These principles became the cornerstone of Buffett's investment philosophy.

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2. Guidance Through Challenges

Having a mentor like Graham provided Buffett with guidance through the ups and downs of the market. Graham's teachings helped Buffett to remain calm during market downturns and to see them as opportunities rather than threats.

3. Networking and Opportunities

Through Graham, Buffett was introduced to a network of professionals and opportunities that might not have been accessible otherwise. This includes meeting other influential investors and gaining access to valuable investment opportunities.

4. Modelling Behaviour

Buffett not only learned investment strategies from Graham but also adopted his ethical approach to business and investing. Graham's emphasis on fairness, honesty, and integrity deeply influenced Buffett's own business practices.

5. Encouragement and Support

Having a mentor provides not just professional guidance but also emotional support. Buffett's confidence in his investment decisions was bolstered by Graham's teachings and encouragement, helping him to navigate the uncertainties of investing.

6. Critical Thinking and Decision Making

One of the most valuable lessons Buffett learned from Graham was how to think independently and make decisions based on his own analyses rather than following the crowd. This has been a key factor in Buffett's ability to make contrarian investments that paid off handsomely.

7. Lifelong Learning

The mentorship didn't just provide Buffett with a set of tools for his immediate success; it instilled in him a love for continuous learning and improvement. Buffett is known for his voracious reading habit, a trait that echoes Graham's own commitment to education and knowledge.

The depth of what was gained here shows us the importance of seeking out mentors who have expertise and experience to share, and who are aligned with your values and aspirations.

The Long Game - Final Thoughts

Warren Buffett believes in investing in businesses that can go the distance, rather than trying to profit from short-term market fluctuations. This philosophy can serve as a powerful reminder of the virtues of long-term investing, especially in today's fast-paced, short-term-oriented market environment.

His success story is a testament to the power of mentorship in business and the importance of adopting a long-term investment strategy. It serves as an inspiration for business owners to seek out mentors who resonate with their values and aspirations and to approach business with patience, discipline, and a commitment to lifelong learning.

Through this combination of mentorship and long-term thinking, business owners and investors can indeed spread their wings and achieve their financial and professional goals. Finding a mentor isn’t as hard as it seems. As we have shown, once you begin work with one mentor, they will open up connections with even more opportunities for learning, growth and discovery. Taking your first step and opening that initial door is as simple as connecting with our friendly team at Evolve to Grow and talking about what we can do to help.

What Made Warren Buffett So Successful? - FAQs

Q: What is Warren Buffett's Number 1 rule?

A: Warren Buffett's Number 1 rule is to never lose money. His famous saying goes, "Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No.1." This principle underscores his emphasis on the importance of capital preservation and prudent investing.

Q: Who taught Warren Buffett how to invest?

A: Warren Buffett's investing mentor was Benjamin Graham, the author of the seminal book "The Intelligent Investor." Buffett studied under Graham at Columbia Business School and worked for him briefly at Graham's investment firm. Graham's principles of value investing, focusing on intrinsic value and margin of safety, heavily influenced Buffett's investment approach.

Q: How did Warren Buffett make his first million?

A: Warren Buffett made his first million primarily through his investment partnerships. In 1956, he formed Buffett Partnership Ltd. with seven limited partners, including family and friends, and started with an initial investment of $105,000. Through astute stock picking and value investing principles, Buffett grew his partnership rapidly, achieving his first million-dollar net worth by the early 1960s.

Q: What is so special about Warren Buffett?

A: What sets Warren Buffett apart is his unparalleled track record as an investor and his adherence to a simple yet powerful investment philosophy. Buffett's ability to consistently outperform the market over decades, his long-term perspective on investing, and his knack for identifying undervalued companies with strong fundamentals have earned him the moniker "Oracle of Omaha." Moreover, his humility, integrity, and commitment to philanthropy contribute to his iconic status in the investment world.

Q: What did Warren Buffett do before he was rich?

A: Before amassing his immense wealth, Warren Buffett had a diverse range of experiences. He began his entrepreneurial ventures at a young age, delivering newspapers and selling various items door-to-door. During his teenage years, he honed his investment skills by purchasing stocks and real estate. Later, Buffett worked at his father's brokerage firm and even started a pinball machine business. Despite not being wealthy during his early years, Buffett's passion for business and investing laid the groundwork for his future success.

What Made Warren Buffett So Successful? (2024)


What Made Warren Buffett So Successful? ›

Buffett made the bulk of his fortune through smart investments, starting from a young age. Although he is a self-made billionaire he is best known for his wit, wisdom, and down-to-earth investment philosophy. He has a knack for distilling complex investment concepts into simple, memorable advice.

How did Warren Buffett become so successful? ›

Buffett has made his fortune by relying on the time-tested rules of value investing, meaning finding high-quality companies at fair market valuations. He then holds these investments for the long term, some indefinitely, always allowing the power of compounding to work its magic.

What is so great about Warren Buffett? ›

Warren Buffett is one of the wealthiest people in the world, amassing his fortune through a successful investment strategy. Buffett follows the Benjamin Graham school of value investing which looks for securities with prices that are unjustifiably low based on their intrinsic worth.

What does Warren Buffett attribute his success to? ›

In fact, he attributes much of his success over the past 58 years to something quite unexpected: luck. That's saying something from someone widely regarded as the best judge of business potential, ever. You wouldn't think Buffett would attribute all of that success to something so much out of his own control.

Why is Warren Buffett a successful leader? ›

Warren Buffett's leadership style is guided by principles of value investing, maintaining fiscal discipline, straightforward communication, ethical accountability, and nurturing a culture of trust and autonomy in his companies.

What made Warren Buffett a millionaire? ›

In 1962, Buffett became a millionaire because of his partnerships, which in January 1962 had an excess of $7,178,500, of which over $1,025,000 belonged to Buffett. He merged these partnerships into one. Buffett invested in and eventually took control of a textile manufacturing company, Berkshire Hathaway.

What are Warren Buffett's 5 rules of investing? ›

A: Five rules drawn from Warren Buffett's wisdom for potentially building wealth include investing for the long term, staying informed, maintaining a competitive advantage, focusing on quality, and managing risk.

What drives Warren Buffett? ›

His intrinsic motivations, however — sharing his knowledge and wealth with others, including detailed explanations of his investment strategies and a promise to pledge 99% of his fortune to charity — may be what truly drives him, George says. Buffett didn't immediately respond to CNBC Make It's request for comment.

What does Warren Buffett read every day? ›

So Buffett says he reads around 5-6 hours daily, including newspapers, magazines, 10Ks, annual reports, and biographies. For Buffett, reading is priority number one. While most executives focus on networking or analyzing financials, Buffett dedicates the majority of his workday to reading.

What is the Buffett's two list rule? ›

Buffett presented a three-step exercise to help streamline his focus. The first step was to write down his top 25 career goals. In the second step, Buffett told Flint to identify his top five goals from the list. In the final step, Flint had two lists: the top five goals (List A) and the remaining 20 (List B).

What is Warren Buffett's best career advice? ›

In the end, Warren's advice boils down to this: Life's too short to settle for anything less than what truly excites you. Find a place where you can thrive, and where you can work with mentors who inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

What is Warren Buffett's weakness? ›

His biggest weakness is greed. He loves money too much that it interfered with his relationship with his family for a long time.

Why has Warren Buffett been so successful? ›

Buffett's success has been driven not just by his investment choices but also by his philosophy of patience, discipline, and an unshakeable belief in his core principles.

What is unique about Warren Buffett? ›

Nearly 94 percent of his wealth was earned after he turned 60. Success comes at any age. Although Buffett was extremely successful before the age of 60 -- his net worth was a noted $376 million when he was 52 years old -- 99 percent of his wealth came after he turned 50. At 89, Buffett is worth $81.7 billion.

What is Warren Buffett's rich strategy? ›

Unlike many top billionaires, Buffett has modeled his investment strategy off Benjamin Graham's method of value investing. In other words, he finds and invests in stocks or securities that are priced far lower than their intrinsic value and holds them for the long term.

At what age did Buffett become a millionaire? ›

Notoriously frugal — he eats a cheap McDonald's breakfast every day and lives in the same Omaha home he bought for $31,500 in 1958 — Buffett made his first million in 1962 at the age of 32, when his Buffett Partnership was valued at over $7 million and his shares worth over $1 million.

How much money did Warren Buffett start with? ›

The age that Warren Buffett bought his first stock, Cities Service Preferred for $38 apiece. The amount of money Warren Buffett amassed was the equivalent of $53,000 in today's dollars by the time he was 16.

Did Warren Buffett grow up rich or poor? ›

The son of Howard Homan Buffett, financier and politician, and Leila Buffett, his early life was marked by poverty resulting from the Financial Crash of 1929. Although it sounds like something that many children pursue, living in poverty for the first six years of his life made Warren's decision to become wealthy.


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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.